
Learn Forex – Full Course For Beginners (Tutorial) 2024

This forex full course for beginners 2024 will give you everything you need to start day trading the most profitable strategy “smart money concepts”. Follow this step by step video and learn how to start forex trading in no time! (Include practical chart videos)

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[Music] my name is Marcus dandr and I couldn’t be more excited to be your instructor for this course but before we dive into the world of trading let me tell you a little bit about my story growing up in a poor country wasn’t easy my parents had to work hard to provide for a family but despite all the struggles we had I knew deep inside of me that I would be successful one day that’s why I’m so passionate about trading for me trading is so much more than just making money it’s about taking control of your life and creating a better future for yourself and that’s exactly what I want to help you do so in this class I’m going to share with you the skill set that completely changed my life I will show you how I became a successful Forex day trader and how you can do the same I could show you all the rewards that come with being a successful Trader like the wealth cars party luxury trips but instead I want to focus on the process of getting you there most courses will only teach you the basics of a strategy but after failing so many times I know that having a solid trading plan is the only way for you to get consistently profitable so that’s why I’ll be sharing with you our entire trading strategy including every single setup and entry method we use for our trades this is the first time that I’m sharing my personal trading strategy and I can assure you that you won’t find a comparable level of detail in any other course out there you have a checklist and a whole detailed plan written by me in the new Training Club you’ll find a community of professional Traders with a shared mindset and all the resources you need to become a full-time Trader if you have taken other courses before I know that you reached a point where you didn’t know how to react in a certain trading situation and when you ask for help you may have been told to follow your plan but as a beginner it’s unrealistic to expect you to have your own trading plan without First Learning the concepts and gaining experience that’s why our course is designed to not only teach you the foundation of trading but also provide you with a ready to trade plan it took me years of chart analysis to learn what I know and while you can be challenging to learn on your own I believe it has given me a unique perspective that I can now pass on to you being a successful Trader is not just about hard skills I once heard a phrase that really resonated with me it said to be a better Trader you need to become a better person it took me a while to fully understand what this means but I’ll do my best to teach you this mindset as well trading can be one of the most challenging careers out there so it’s my job to guide you through this journey in this course I’ll be teaching you how to read the market and understand the factors that separate successful Traders from those who struggle we will also cover the fundamentals of smart training technical analysis M time frame reading and charm mapping you will also learn about the mindset of a successful Trader and how to use it in live market conditions as you watch the videos you will see that each topic Builds on the last to create a solid foundation for your trading but remember trading is more than just showing up at your computer every day it also involves a daily dedication to self-improvement including joining your trades maintaining a health lifestyle and practicing mindfulness you should start by asking yourself how is your diet are you getting enough sleep every day do you meditate before trading so keep this in mind every detail plays a role in your success as a Trader so you should start planning the changes you need to make as soon as possible our goal is to provide you with all the tools you need for Success whether that mean helping you with Clarity on your chart analysis or supporting you with mindset a device by the end of the course you should have a comprehensive understanding of day trading and be ready to execute trades following our stepbystep plan the course will be broken down into different video sections so I recommend you watching the videos as much as possible possible the more you practice the better you understand how to start doing your own analysis trading can be very lonely and boring sometimes so believe it or not a lot of losing trades are due to borom so make sure to join our club and start engaging with the community one thing you need to remember is that trading is more complex than we think and you can expect to learn everything overnight my goal with this course was to condense everything that I’ve learned over the years into short easy to understand videos there are plenty of resources out there that make trading seem overly complicated but I believe in getting you started with live trading as soon as possible that being said discipline and practice are essential for that to happen we will focus on analyzing the market daily and following our trading plan as consistently as possible so remember repetition is key this course is suitable for both Advanced beginners and experienced Traders if you are new to Forex don’t worry we’ll provide you with some resources to help you learn the basics of Forex such as Pips major training pairs how to place a trade and some other basic stuff our main focus will be on the more advanced concepts that will set you apart as a Trader trading can be very rewarding but is also mentally and emotionally challenging I need you to step into this learning phase with the right mindset if you’re the type of person who likes to take shortcuts and expect things to be handed to you this course may not be for you training requires hard work and discipline but the reward for that hard work is the satisfaction of achieving your goals and the freedom that comes with financial Independence after you complete the videos you will have a better understand of how to start training and you will be one step closer to your financial and time freedom but you have to remember the key to success is practice and discipline so what’s up I’m Marcus deandrade and this is new trading [Applause] Club hi my name is maros Andrade and I’m a full-time Forex Trader for as long as I can remember I have been disciplined in everything I do and trading is no exception if you already follow me on my social media you have probably seen me sharing my long hours of trading and talking about trading let me tell you I didn’t become a Forex Trader overnight I was born in Brazil and moved to the US when I was 15 being an immigrant in a new country not speaking the language and having to work harder than most people to survive has made me a strong person sometimes I hear people say that trading is risky but see my parents sell everything they had to buy tickets to come to a foreign country is what I truly call taking a risk the fun fact is that I don’t have anyone with a business in my family but I have always been interested in finding new ways to make money for as long as I can remember I have been good at teaching myself new skills like playing drums and the Guitar Building websites photography even video editing I started my own business when I was 19 and since then I have never worked for anyone else I believe that’s why I’m so passionate about teaching others how to be self-sufficient and be their own boss everything in my life has been hard to achieve but my trading Journey has been one of the hardest but also the most rewarding experience of my life looking back now I can’t believe how much misinformation there is online about trading it’s possible to learn how to trade on your own but it would take you long hours of searching and getting through the noise to find the right information I can say from experience that learning to trade by yourself can take from 1 to 3 years depending on how much time you put in I really wish that I found a solid course when I started because that would have saved me years of [Music] work if you’re watching this now you made the decision to take control of your financial future and learn how to trade I would say there are two categories you could fall into if you are in the number one you are very lucky to have found a place where you can learn a solid strategy from the start and if you are in the number two you have a similar experience as I did you spend months or even years trying unsuccessful strategies and you’re probably a very determined person to even continue to learn how to trade either way I genuinely believe that I can help you become a great Trader if you ask for my advice for someone just starting out I would say to not focus on making money right away yes that’s the overall goal of any business venture but when you attach emotions to money it has the power to make you happy or sad one day you make money you’re happy you lose money and you’re sad that’s a recipe for failure especially in trading so instead focus on the bigger picture the freedom flexibility and creating a dream life don’t worry about money you’ll see when you start achieving your goals the material rewards will come naturally so that’s why the main goal of our club is to focus on the process and not the outcome so here we go in our first video we will briefly introduce you to our course and how we trade the trillion doll Forex [Music] Market the Forex Market is the most liquid Market in the world with trillions of dollars traded daily this is a major advantage over stock trading where liquidity can be a problem especially when trying to enter or exit the trade in the stock market you may encounter situations where there isn’t enough liquidity to feel your orders especially when shorten is stock luckily this is not an issue in the Forex market and another advantage of Forex Trading is that you don’t have to worry about overnight gaps in price in the stock market it’s not uncommon for there to be massive gaps in price because of after hours orders which can be dangerous if you have a position open with a small stop and guess what if you have one of those orders open in the stock market they won’t get filled where you want it and you could probably lose your whole account I have also traded stocks and this is something that happen happens every [Music] day finding the right strategy can be a challenge especially when you’re just starting out there’s a lot of misinformation online and it can be hard to know if a particular strategy is profitable or not it took me years to find a strategy that made sense our strategy is based on simple price action which is driven by supply and demand this is basic economics Whenever there is high demand for something the price goes up and when there’s a lot of Supply the price goes down by eliminating unnecessary indicators and focusing on just clean price action you can develop a more accurate understanding of the market and make better trading decisions I still remember today when I used to think that trading was all rich people’s stuff you know like buying houses spending crazy amounts of money that’s exactly what Society wants you to believe that you need to stay in your lane and stay safe go go to school get a job and retire poor when you can’t work for us anymore the fact that I was never a math guy also made everything related to money even more Out Of Reach as some of you may already know the name Neo for our Training Club comes from the movie Matrix because I believe we need to be reminded daily that we cannot settle for normality the normality we see in the world is that everything that is abundant is Out Of Reach and you should live your life safely within the parameter of the Matrix there are many ways to escape this normality but I’m sure that anyone can benefit from learning how to professionally trade even if you do it part-time it’s one of the best ways to compound your money so why wouldn’t you do it you cannot trust the government or the banks you probably know that the money is not real and the digits you see in your account are also not real our purpose here is not to go into a tangent on conspiracy theories about the Matrix the name new is your daily reminder of why you do what you do and who you do it for the neot trading Club is a group of professional individuals who s in trading and escape from this normality that’s forced on us we refuse to live mediocre lives and have a job that we detest we believe that you need to take life into your own hands if you want financial collocation and time Freedom the best way for me to describe our trading strategy is precision so much Precision that you know exactly where the big banks have placed their massive orders to make the move you see on the charts our way of trading truly opened my eyes to understand how the market move and how it’s manipulated to make the regular guy fail with our strategy you only need to focus on a single pair every day to get consistent results you also understand how important it is to have risk management in place our minimum risk reward is 5 to one when you start seeing that the normal for other Traders is to have two to1 risk reward trades you will see how powerful our training strategy is so now that you have learned about the purpose and approach of the new Training Club it’s time to dive into the details of our Precision Trading strategy are you ready to take control of your financial [Music] freedom welcome to NE Trading Academy our lessons are designed to be easy to understand with each topic covered in short video format we understand that it can be overwhelming to take in a lot of information at once so our approach is to break it down into manageable chunks as Marcus Tulio cisero said if I had more time I would have written a shorter letter we believe that brevity is key when it comes to learning and understanding New Concepts we want to make your learning experience as a efficient and effective as possible by presenting our lessons in short video format you can expect our lessons to be organized by topic with each video focusing on a specific aspect of trading whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience in trading our lessons will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to become a successful Trader now that you have learned everything about our trading Club let’s start building the foundation of our trading knowy but before you get too excited to start plac in trades it’s important to remember that patience is key in this first step of the process in trading the pursuit of speed and instant rewards is often what leads to failure in fact it’s estimated that up to 90% of retail Traders lose money so that’s where I come in my goal is to help you avoid the common mistake that beginners make so you can become profitable from the [Music] start when it comes to analyzing the market there are two primary approaches fundamental analysis and technical analysis this can be a controversial Topic in the Forex Community as some people claim that one approach is more important than the other let’s take a closer look at each type of [Music] analysis fundamental analysis involves studying economic data news headlines and other factors to determine the strength of a country’s currency this includes elements such as monetary policy retail sales unemployment rate inflation growth domestic product or GDP interest rates and others while fundamental analysis can be very useful it can also be quite complex and require a deep understanding of macroeconomics and geopolitical events Additionally the software and sources of information needed for this type of analysis can be expensive and Out Of Reach for many many retail Traders at neot trading club we use technical analysis to study price action technical analysis involves using historical prices to analyze the current movement of a currency the main idea behind technical analysis is that history repeats itself and the same is true for Market movements we like to say that technical analysis is the mirror of fundamental analysis whatever is happening in relation to news and economical data of a country’s currency is instantly print in the charts as technical traders our goal is not to predict the market but rather to gather Clues from the charts based on past events in order to forecast possible movements in price a Trader is like a weatherman for example you can have super expensive tools that help you to predict if it’s going to rain or you can simply create some mechanical ways to forecast the weather like looking at Clouds noticing the change in wind direction Etc and guess what both the weatherman with all the high-end equipment and you with your own created techniques can be wrong many times we don’t need to be right 100% of the time to keep our job and in our case to potentially make a lot of money while we primarily rely on technical analysis it’s important to be aware of major events that may impact the market these events known as high impact news can bring volatility and uncertainty to the market since we trade B on highly probable events we avoid trading around high impact news as it can be risky and lead to slipage and just as FYI is slipage simply means that your broker won’t F your order at the price you wanted because of the volatility of the market so some examples of high impact news include CPI news the Consumer Price Index unemployment rate releases or NFP which is the no Farm payrolls and political speeches you can find more information about these events on websites like forexfactory.com or trading view both websites have calendars that can be filtered by currency pair and type of event as you start getting more familiar with the strategies you will start switching how you view the charts to look at them like the professionals do to understand this concept better think of the charts as a game of chess as you become more skilled at the game and start to recognize patterns you will be able to play both sides of the board instead of trying to predict what the market will do you will react to each scenario as it happens in real time this means that you’re not biased toward any particular direction but rather you are simply looking at what the Market’s next move might be to reach this level it’s important to study technical analysis but also understand a traders’s mindset one great resource to understand the uniqueness of the market is to read the book trading in the zone it will help you shift your mindset to this more experienced [Music] approach as a new Trader it can be difficult to understand how experienced Traders are able to analyze complex graph so in this section we’ll learn about Market structure which is the foundation for everything else we will also cover other important topics including different types of structures how to map them and Concepts like like strong and weak points in the market before diving into the advanced concepts of trading it’s important to have a solid understanding of Market structure so in this section I’ll provide a quick overview of the basics of the market structure to help set the foundation for further learning when you open a blank chart you’ll see candles moving up and down these movements are the result of supply and demand in the market as buyers and sellers engage in trades the charts will reflect the changes in price these moves of price create historical data that can be analyzed to identify Trends and patterns for trading purposes when it comes to the Forex Market understanding the direction of price movement over time is crucial this is where Trends come in in the Forex Market we have two types of Trends bullish and bearish a bullish Trend also known as an uptrend is characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows this means that over time the price for a certain currency has been rising when the market is in a bullish Trend it’s considered to be in a state of buying on the other hand a bearish trend also known as a downtrend is represented by a series of lower lows and lower highs this means that the currency price has been falling when the market is in a bearish trend it’s considered to be in a state of selling so being able to recognize these Trends is important for understand the Forex Market market and will help in later Concepts like structure mapping and analyzing multitime frames the Forex Market is constantly moving with prices pushing and pulling back it’s important to understand that these movements will continue until it fails in this lesson we’ll take a closer look at how to spot these movements in price and what happens when a price movement fails to Achi its goal first let’s define the terms swing highs and lows are the large highest and lowest point of a movement these points are created when a structure is broken which we refer to as a breakout structure or a boss we determine that a structure has been broken when a candle body closes above the recent high in the particular time frame we are using for example in a bullish Trend we have a push followed by a pullback and then another push to break the recent high of that movement the low where the push originated is the swing low and the top of the push is the swing high of the movement after the pullback is finished and we continue the movement to break the recent High the lowest point of the pullback will be the swing low and we wait for the next pullback to determine the next swing high it’s important to note that we use this mapping to understand where we are in the market and where we should expect price to go next this help us avoid getting caught on the wrong side of the market in addition to understanding Market structure and how it moves by making new highs and lows it’s also important to understand that job of each movement and the expected order flow to better understand this we use two terms strong or protected points and weak or targeted points so let’s take a look at the charts in a bullish Market Trend the job of the strong low is to break the weak high and in a bearish trend the strong highs job is to break the weak low as you can see when there’s a push and a break of structure we expect that when price pulls back the strong point of the move will be protected allowing price to continue breaking the weak point as mentioned earlier we should expect the order flow to continue until it fails if the strong point fails to break the weak point instead returns to break what was the strong point before we can’t switch our buyas accordingly the point where price failed to break is now our strong point and we should expect price to pull back and continue the New Order flow this concept although simple is crucial to understand how price is moving and reacting to its structure we will be using all these confluences such as Market structure breaks of structure and fail points to build a high probability analysis to know where price will head next this element will also be part of our trading plan and will be covered in more detail in future [Music] lessons Okay by now you should understand how we map the swing points of structure but as we know the market is complex so in this lesson we’ll look how to spot these complex structures first let’s learn about the types of structures and how to use them in the charts in our strategy we mainly use three types of structures swing internal and fractal swing movements are the largest movements you see on the charts we map these movements after a confirmed break of structure with a candle body close the internal structure are the smaller moves that happen inside of the Swing structure we also map these movements after a confirmed break of structure with a candle body close which which We call iboss we use internal structure mapping to guide us through the small movements of the market which typically create the big movement on the chart fractal structure is the smallest move we see on the chart there are small pauses or pullbacks of price which are usually just a reaction to a not so strong resistance before continuing with the order flow unlike swing and internal structures in which we use a candle body close to confirm a break for a fractal break we only need a weak break in the charts we see that price moves by each candle breaking the next candle since for a fracto structure we use candle wigs as confirmation of a break any time that a candle does not break the next Candle by at least a micro pip we see it as a fracto structure it’s easier to spot fractals when there’s a clear retracement but you need to pay attention when a candle has equal highs an equal high is also not considered dur a break and is therefore part of a fractal structure it’s important to note that the color of the candle doesn’t dictate if there’s a fractal break or not all that matters is if a candle breaks the next candle or not independent of if it’s a bullish or bearish candle to help visualize the market structure better there are two indicators I recommend one is the inside bar which I leave it on all the time and the second is the eal highs and lows indicators which sometimes I use on the 1 minute time frame for entries this indicator can be useful if you’re just starting out so let me show you how to install them all right guys so let me quickly show you guys how to add the two indicators I mentioned on your charts uh so first when you open your chart on trading view you go to indicators and then uh you type inside bar and you see this one one this one called the inside buy bar by CMA so when you uh click on them you automatic automatically um add to the Chart so they have they they come as default with these colors here but uh you already had the the the indicator so I’m just going to turn it on yeah I keep I kept it simple with just like like orange and you can add these shapes here so to make it more visible for the inside bars and I make it visible for all the time frames and the the second one is the same you could go to equal highs and lows and uh it should be this first one here yeah like the same it comes with a default fault but I just for this one I I just keep them on the one minute time frame let me see here but you can see like every time there’s a equal High then you’re going to see um like the the indicator showing you yeah as you can see so these are the ones that I use and um I leave this off for most of the times and uh sometimes when I’m going to enter on the one minute I just turn it on uh but I try to keep it off just to make the charts look a little more clean all right guys another two I use a lot is the O hlc values so when you hover with a pointer on a candle it tells you the price value of that candle like the highest price closed price open price Etc this to is very useful especially if you prefer not to use the equal high and low indicator so since the fractal moves are not as big as the swing and internal structure we don’t map them but we use these fractal moves to get a sense of when the price may start to shift in our strategy this shift of direction is called the chalk and you’ll see this type of break happening a lot as we start to Mark the charts in the next lesson we’ll learn about chalks [Music] a chalk is a change of Direction and we use this type of structure break as an early indication of a change rather than a confirmation of direction as we saw in the fractal section as price continues to move and create fractal structures when the price completes its move it may start to change direction the chalk will be the first signal that alert us of this change a chalk occurs when the nearest low in a bullish Trend or a high in a bearish trend is broken think of it as the change in wind speed changing wind speed can be a signal that it might start to rain but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will while a chalk is a good indicator we need more confirmation to add it to our bias keep in mind that chocks will appear in the right and wrong places on the charts we will only be looking for chalks at high probabilties point of in interest which we will learn how to spot in upcoming lessons hello guys so I just want to do a quick video here so we can go over the concept of the chalks because uh these will be very important because we’ll be using in all of our time frames including the analysis the 15 minute 4our daily and um the one minute for the entries so I just want to uh go over this with you guys uh like a little practice um just the first thing let’s remember that for um for the fractal breaks we don’t need a candle body close we just need a wick so every time like uh like here right so every time the the next candle doesn’t doesn’t break below this which means if like every time a candle does not break with at least one microp pip below the next candle that’s considered a fractal structure all right so let’s I’ll just be playing here with the bar replay so we can be looking um as at how it works so as you see here like starting on the first one the first the first candle the next one already broke above the second candle already broke above third candle the same you see so there’s no fractal structure here yet so the same and uh you see that sometimes this candle can be like a let’s say this is on a bullish move but sometimes the candle you you see here like it’s still it has like even though this is a bearish candle this one is still um broke above this one so like this could just like continue up and continue the move and this wouldn’t be uh a fractor structure uh now it is because this one didn’t break above this one so right now let me just pause here for a second so as you can see like after this one this this next candle it didn’t break Above This so this is a fractus uh structure already so now we got to see what is the um the the nearest candle like the nearest low candle that didn’t break the next candle you know so like as you can see like after this all of these ones they broke above so it’s the same concept as the push pull back and push so this would be our our most recent lows for the chalk let’s see how it plays out as we continue yeah you see like even this one it broke above there so this is still continuation so this would be like the continuation of the higher highs on the fractal you see so once this lows here broken like you just saw there now we have a bearish chalk so this would be let me see here I’m I’m getting out of space but uh I’ll just put a chalk here chalk oops Yeah so this is now our chalk like I said because cuz this one didn’t break about this so it like it did a pull back here and broke above now the most recent low it’s this so now we have we have a bearish chalk and now remember that a chalk is just a a signal that price might just start pulling back but it doesn’t need to U it could just do a higher high here and then continue up but this is a good indication so we can wait for like the pullback and then price can start to do like a like a bigger pullback to maybe these areas to then continue up okay so continuing here same thing you can see that that this one broke so you as you can see this candle broke below this so this would be our first uh the candle that didn’t break and uh so now we had this candle broke below this and uh it pulled back and it broke above that one so this would be a fractal break to the upside you know because this was a pullback then it broke below and then it broke the most recent high on this bearish move so right now we would have this as our low and this as our high but as you can see this you’re going to learn later that this was just a a sweep of liquidity to continue the move like that’s why I was I was saying that the chalk will happen in the wrong and the right place and so we we’re just going to be like looking at these chocks on a very uh very high probability uh point of interest that price may start to change because a chalk can I mean a a a break break of factor structure can happen like in the middle of a move but we we are not looking at that we just want to use the chalk as the change of Direction so it might so it’s just going to be uh happening I mean we’re just going to be looking at this types of uh movements the chalk at this high probability places so as we continue the same so price just continues down and uh let me see if I can speed it up a little more yeah you see so price continue to break below I put on the 10x all right so so as we continue to move down so you see like this one broke but this one didn’t break so this would be a pullback and now this one is a little interesting because we had a like this huge doy candle which is which is like a indecision candle but the same like you got to think as the the candle formation as like a push and pullback so this you can see that this was a pullback and then there was a break and then we had a break to the upside here and uh and like I said it all depends on the volatility of the market and um you see like these huge or crazy candles but you you you need to be able to read the market and the structure as it is and um and as you can see when price broke all the way down here to mitigate something uh a demand which we’re going to learn later then we had the chalk on the top here um I’ll just grab that one so we just had this chalk here and then price did the same thing so now we had this break and uh we can continue to look for for for the move to continue so as you can see the same thing happened after the change of Direction so you can see that these two these two candles here did not break this low so this was like this is this is a very good example because this is more like experienced if you if you’re experienced with this type of structure you can see that price break uh moved here down pushed pull back push and then we had this break and then that was a pull back to continue up so you can see right after the chalk this price did not break below this and so this was on a lower time frame that you’ll see that this was just a pullback to continue the move up so let’s see what happens next let’s just look for another um example so just to nail this down and same here again um we had this one didn’t break so now we have this one as our lowest point after this break push pull back and push and this is our lowest point so if price breaks this low then we’re going to have a chalk as you can see here price try to break um this High because the the job of this one would be to break this high and you can see that price pull uh pulled back pushed again couldn’t break this high and then now it’s moving it yeah seems like it’s moving down and what happens next let’s see and just uh let’s see yeah like right now we had another bearish chalk another great example here because as you can see like we only see like after this pullback and this push so this is just a push so this this price here I mean this movement here it could have stay inside this like like pulling back for an kind of sideways for a long time and still um let me delete this and still this would be the low and that will be the high so anything that happens inside here it doesn’t matter because we only going to get a chalk when the fractal breaks this low here so now we have our bearish chalk which is a like I said just a signal that price may start to like make a a like a a bigger swing pullback to then continue up so I think you guys got the point and how it works you will see different types of uh structure when you start trading you’ll see that price can come here and and then start um making high internal lower lows and then uh internal higher highs and when price if price would like fail to break this High then we would like the nearest low would be this and you would see like the price signal with the chalk here the change it would probably pull back to then continue to move down again and maybe take out this low so this is a little more complex but you guys get the point and U like this would be our chalk you see and uh the same here um um low high low high and then this one didn’t break this low and then we had a chalk up here this would be like an internal um uh structure but uh you got the point uh all right guys so let me know later if you guys have any question but I I think this should that explained this T this type of um structure that we mentioned before now that we learned uh the theory of U the structures and everything so let’s do some practice on how to map this the swing structure the internal and the the fractal so I draw this little example here just to give you guys an idea so later on we can go to the charts and um it will be easier to understand that way so so if you remember the the most the most important type of structure is the swing structure and and you will see them because they’re the the largest moves that you seen on the chart so like it’s every time like that you see like the largest moves that will be the the swing structure right so that those are the most important and easiest to spot and I would say if you only know how to spot the swing structure you’ll be fine because sometimes the all the the little movements and everything the craziness inside of the charts it kind of like makes you like oh oh wow I’m not going to be able able to do this but the main the main movement that you need to be watching is the swing structure and the other ones are just more of a Confluence um that goes on top of the overall analysis for movement and Direction so let’s start here with the the first push that we had so this was a big push uh so we can mark this top here as our swing top uh swing high and then then we had a pullback so when we broke this first structure here with a candle body close here you’re not going to be able to see it because it’s just lines so just um a reminder for you guys so when we see a a break here with the candle body close so then we have our confirmation that this is our swing structure right so next we see the internal structure which is a small is a a small structure um because you cannot you’re not going to be a I mean you cannot Define like look at these big movements right so like you cannot Define this as the same as this big movement so that’s why they’re just like small movements that create the the big movement right so these are all the internal structure it just help us to to see where price is going and like how it is creating the large movements that we see on the charts so again so after you see like maybe a push or even inside of a structure but in this example here we have uh a boss right a swing boss then we have this small movement here so it’s a this is a internal structure and again we use the candle body close to confirm our uh our break of internal structure so here when you when you see a a candle body close like by a micro pip on top of this then we have the confirmation and uh you can see here like I I use the orange dots for the internal and um so here we have another confirmation that price wants to continue going up and um and this is the uh the fractal structure which is going to be just like sometimes one or two candles sometimes it’s just going to be like a small PS and like two candles uh sorry like you’re going to see like two candles with the same uh with equal highs those are also uh considered to be like the fractal so like we we don’t map this because these are just small pauses in the market but you see here like when it came back it respected the demand that we’re going to be learning later uh so it respected the demand of this fractal and then we had another push so just keep this in mind and as the price was continue to go up then um we saw a bigger pullback which we can now like okay so this is a like a larger pullback it’s not like this and it’s not as small like this it’s a larger pullback I I’ll I’ll teach you guys um in the next video how to uh how to make this a little more mechanic by using Pips to measure these movements and you see that every time that we have a push and you see that the we have a bigger pullback then you can already set this as the top of the Swing because like when we have a bigger push so like when you start to see a bigger pullback here you can you can already mark this as your swing high and that will be the swing low so and again right so when we have another candle body close on top of this line which this is the most recent High then we’ll have another um swing boss so now we’re going to have this is our swing low and we can only uh we can only uh set the high here uh as our as our swing High when we start seeing a bigger pullback so we can see okay this is a a big movement so if it’s already pulling back then like we can set this as the our swing High I hope you guys are understanding this the it it might seem a little more complicated than than it is uh this will be one of the easiest part for you guys but um yeah just just think about the the movements right I I always like this helped me a lot because I always think about like the movements right the high highs in every in every time frame 1 minute 5 minute I’m always looking because if price is doing this right let’s say like it’s just like moving like whatever you see a lot of like one minute movement it’s still like a push and a pullback and a push you know so like this doesn’t matter like the what you need to be looking at it’s how price is moving overall on a bigger picture so these small movements is just to catch the price like if you want to catch the price pulling back and then you want to take shorts so that that’s that’s what the the other fractal internal are for so continuing here after we have had this um the swing the swing boss then we had another fractal and um so we had a little p back on the fractal and then another push so this is not it’s not a internal and not a swing yet and then we had a ball I mean sorry a chalk a bearish chalk our first bearish chalk here because it’s reacting to a swing um swing Supply which we also learn later about supply and demand zones so like it’s reacting to a very important area so this is our first first sign that price might start to to switch Direction and like I said it doesn’t need to sometimes the the chalk can just be like on it it’s just to facilitate price too come back to a place here it will come like oops it will come to a place like here and then we’ll push again but in this case we had a bare shock which is the new nearest uh low in this movement so like once this breaks the nearest low this is already a chalk and then usually we it doesn’t also it doesn’t have to go back there but usually this would be an entry here for shorts uh you’re going to see later on on our strategy and uh this could be uh like a centry so you can start taking shorts before it it it reaches a Zone inside of the here but this is for later but so okay so after we had the the bearish chalk and now here we had a bearish boss so like after price broke with a candle body close below this uh sorry below this line now we had a bearish uh bearish swing boss Okay so we’re not going to be after this this break here we’re not going to be marking with our swing low until we start seeing some like nice like pullback right remember the push like if we just see a little like pull pull back like this like this is not our swing low yet but if it start it if it continues to go up then okay we can see this as our low but if if you just do this and then continue like this just going down okay is this our pullback yet like if we see this whole movement this is going to be just one movement and then price will maybe do a a bullish chalk pull back to continue down so okay so still so we saw this small structure so then now we have our our bearish uh sorry our yeah our bearish eye boss because it’s uh the internal structure because this is a small structure then we had a fractal and then here when it broke the swing sorry the the fractal structure the nearest high now we had a bullish chalk and it price came to mitigate something here so let’s talk a little bit about this internal here here uh like I said guys like the internal the chalk and stuff like that like in the beginning it’s very good for you guys to be marking this because this will like make the chart more clean for you but it’s not very important like that like if you can see how price is moving just like with the you just with your own eyes it will help a lot but um it’s always good Tok in the beginning but anyway so we have the the low of the internal the high of the internal and here like you saw that I marked with a with a swing low here because we already saw a bigger pullback but if you could see if we’re going to Mark another uh the internal this would be like low high low and now the internal it turned bullish right so you could make the your dot here one dot here and this would be your um your internal low and that would be your internal high now because this turned bullish you know what I mean but like if you if you if you look at this I mean you could put a swing and the internal here just to make it more clean for you but you can see that this was the low high boom now it it turned bullish but like why did it turn bullish the price just turned bullish for the bigger pullback to come to mitigate something here right like we don’t know because we would have to do some analysis with the candles which we will learn later but price only had this bullish bullish chalk and the bullish internal turned U sorry the chalk was a bullish chalk and we turn internally bullish just to mitigate and facilitate this movement right which is the most important the swing structure so after that you can see that price uh pushed very fast and pushed very fast down so you can see that if there was a lot of Ord here on the supply then these orders was all filled which made the price go down very fast and now here we had a just a small reaction um and then we continued down and you can see price like swing high now swing low and like I was mentioning to you guys just in Turnal it turned bullish to help you us help us uh with the the pullback on the swing and this will continue over and over again you might see another small um it depends this is all like depending on like how um how like how bearish let’s say here right how bearish it is some sometimes if if the price is very strong it’s just going to give you some internal and then you’re going to see another uh um like a bigger pullback and then you’re going to see a and then you start marking like that you know so all right guys so let’s jump into the real charts and but I think this was was a very good uh scene so you guys can see that the price I mean the the market the charts are complex it’s not very clean like this you know but like if we understand this like 100% you’ll be able to do your structures on the real charts and once you start seeing like this kind of stuff on the real charts you’ll get a lot more clarity like why why price is doing what it’s doing and where it’s going next and uh that will that yeah like that that’s going to be lifechanging as it was for me because before with other strategies or um stuff that I used to do I was kind of like lost because like where is press going like so this is just a a break and retest but like where is it going now and then it and and sometimes it would like do like a flag and come here and go back down it’s like okay it’s supposed to go down I mean supposed to go up because this is a a bullish flag but it doesn’t work like that right you got to see like if if we had a if we had like a push like where is it reaching where where is it going where did it stop what made this move here it stopped right here and made the move continue down right and like like I said like some people might see that oh this is still bullish right because this maybe creating a flag here like one two three flag boom Going up so this this have to go up no it doesn’t have have to do anything you know the price and PR uh the charts will do whatever he wants and this right so as as we saw that the swing was bullish and okay first signal that price may start to go down but as long as this one was protected the bullish was would could still come here and go up you know because this is a protected swing low but once this was broken below okay so now like if if uh now we can see that price is switching the direction and and just before I forget this type of mapping like as we use on the boss I boss everything you’re going to see in all time frames weekly monthly daily 4our 50 minutes you know so like this will work for all of the it it the the the charts are they all look like very similar in all time frames and you can use this type of mapping uh on all time frames so this make it easier so you only need to learn once okay guys so let’s jump to the real charts and let’s use the same analysis the same type of of U instruction mapping that we use here on the real chart so let’s go okay so now that we went through the introduction on how to map the structures with the lines so let’s do a real practice here on the charts so first thing I’m going to make sure that my Inside by alerts are on and uh you can see that it lights up like on the inside bars that means that the bar it close I mean it closed inside the the recent bar so as you can see here okay yeah this uh this indicator is very good and I leave it on all the time okay so the first thing like I said before like first thing is like look at the how the Market’s moving you see and then you see you can already like without anything you can already see like how the swings are moving the swing structure are being created in the market so right here we have a bullish swing structure after the uh after price close above this recent high so this was um now this is the low and and now after price break this High here now this is the low and we only know where the the high will be when we have a decent pullback so we will be able to mark the high but we don’t know that yet because it’s still just like uh doing some small movements here so let’s continue now we have a internal structure because it it did a small structure here um this is more visual like like this is not enough you know to to map and you can use your discretion for for internals like when you see that it’s not like a big movement but like it’s still like some movement then you can mark it as a internal okay so let’s keep playing this okay so as of right now there’s nothing okay so now we have a fractal here as you can see this this candle didn’t close above the the next uh the recent candle so this is so this would be our most recent low because like if you can see price on the on the lower time frame it would be easier to see but price came here pulled back and pushed up so this is a fractal structure and now we have this low as our most recent low so we if we get a a um just a wick uh Wick break below this one this is going going to be already uh a chalk so let’s keep playing okay right now we have a chalk here because as you can see like you can see on the low here this is I’m I’m I’m showing exactly how I map this uh the charts when I get to the computer so you can see like the lows here right like look at the numbers that is uh 8658 and this one is 8650 so this already broke because sometimes like this this one the low is 8658 and this one will be like 8657 which is like it’s barely V visible and that’s why I said that you guys can use this uh the this data here to make uh so you can see so you can like be sure that it broke below this so we have that let’s see and then we can mark with the chalk there oops wrong one so this is the for TR dark okay all right so we keep going keep going we’re not I’m not going to be marking the supply and demand because we are not there yet but like let’s just keep marking the our our structure so so we can focus on that for now okay so as you can see we got a the first signal that price may change because it stopped at a very uh high probability strong resistance uh Supply we had a chalk then it had a pullback to retest these areas here so it could probably mean that this can be the first signal that we might start getting the bigger pullback okay and um and still the if you you’re if we’re counting the the internal structure we still have this the the internal structure here and the high and so this this will be the low and now this will be the high of the internal as well so just keep in mind that if we get like this already are looking like we’re going to get a a bigger uh pullback but we need to wait a little more okay yeah so right now so I already would have this as my my swing High right and uh let me see let’s keep playing and uh yeah you see now we would get our internal break to the Downs side so sorry for all the cuz I used to use a a white chart that’s why I have this so many names there so you see high of the internal low break now okay once this is broken to the downside now uh this will be the high of the internal and like when we have a decent pullback this will be someone someone here will be the somewhere here will be the low of the internal so just just stay with me guys this is some good practice like you can see we have their swing already and uh so like if if I would explain this on the analysis I would say that the bullish I mean the swing of the 4 Hour is bullish and the internal now turn bearish so you see like when we got the break here now we had the this the internal turn bearish so as we continue you see we we would have another internal here you see how it plays out because uh like we would have the internal there the eyeballs and this would be the low now low high after after we got a break and a close here now this is our new high because after the pullback boom this was this was the the most recent High okay now we got a a break again so let’s continue and just remember that this is still our low of the swing and that’s still the high so this could be just doing like a push and the pullback and then probably the the internal could uh turn bullish here come to retest somewhere here and then we we can continue up but uh we will only know that after like we got a a confirmation so again we have another internal here our our swing glow is still protected here let me just copy these guys to make it more clean oops Yeah of course this is not going to work right let me go back here okay so the same thing thing low we have we had a decent small structure then we had this pullback this is the most recent High broke again with the body close this is their High okay so right [Music] now yeah you see price is still breaking down the same we have our internal and so what happened now so here now so we had like a swing High swing low swing High swing low swing High swing turn bullish maybe just came to retest somewhere here and like this could be just a pullback but as you can see now it broke below the low so this was uh a protected low but now we got a break in a close below so now our swing is bearish again so let’s mark this for our boss and this is just uh one time frame and like I said before like on the daily on the 4our 15 you’re going to use the same type type of mapping and as you as you start to put them all together you see that um that like you you start to see the story like where price is going why it went all the way up here maybe this is like a a a daily pullback and it only turned bullish here to come to retest something to mitigate a supply and then price would continue going down so you see like the price it just it keeps going and like creating structures and on structures and you can see that it looks way uh more clean or or more clear for us when we start mapping and seeing like what price is doing you know okay so now that we have our bearish swing you see with the body close the same thing so what what do we need here now we need to see a decent pullback because now we now this is our um Strong high and we need to see a decent pull back to know that this is our uh swing low so let’s keep playing this this was just a fractal I don’t know what why this is here okay so we had a a bullish Chu let me see here closer yeah this is a very good example so this was a fractal right fractal um bearish structure but you can see that this last one here like the this these three candles didn’t break below this so this is is still our uh our high and this is still our low and only here that price broke above that one now we have a bullish chalk but as I I told you guys before it it needs to be in a place like price needs to be uh how can I say uh reacting to a uh a very strong demand here because price could just be making like a small PA come here take out liquidity on top of this and continue and then come here you know but this is I mean it’s still a chalk but we’re not waiting for a reversal it’s like you thinking about a train right like the train is going going going it’s not going to stop and turn in the middle of nowhere you need to wait for the for the train to come from this station to a uh like a station where it’s supposed to stop to then turn you know and in the next lessons we we’ll learn about the liquidity and what is what this is like what is it doing I’m not really sure if it’s reacting to something here but yeah we’ll we’ll be looking at this later but right now let’s just put this as a a chalk since we we had a break so this is a bullish chalk right 4 hours bullish chalk okay because structure pullback back push this is our most recent low recent High break with just a Weck this this is the first break we don’t need the uh candle body close Okay so continuing let’s see what happens you see then it just come here to pretest maybe this sell to buy which we will also learn later and then to continue down and even though like we had the chalk here but still this can be our internal structure as well look at that because the was this was a decent structure that we can um map so let me just grab these guys boom and uh let see if of course that would happen right okay still the high you see like how more clean this is and how it’s not that hard once you start doing this over and over again every day this is like as a Trader like the mapping is something that you’re going to do every single day like you you’re going to go to your charts and see okay my my swing is still there was there break here and you can set alerts right uh I’m not going to be able to do that here because of I’m doing bar replay but you can set alerts on like on the trend lines like once the the candle close like it was going to alert you that we had a a bearish swing so you don’t need to be here all the time and for each candle here you’re going to have the time that it let’s say like we have another 3 hours for this candle to close for the 4 Hour to turn bearish like you have a lot of time so one of the things about about train is that uh it’s a lot of waiting and patience and that’s why the mindset is the most important thing because you don’t need to stay here and like oh my God I’m going to miss a trade once you have a strategy and a rule like for you to enter trades you’re not going to be more you’re not going to be fomo you’re not going to be like thinking am I missing a trade should I be watching this all day no you know so like you’re going to have your alerts in place once you hit your alerts then you’re going to like you come to your computer or maybe you like you can be studying and doing other stuff but uh that’s how it goes so let’s continue with the mapping strategy here okay so so do we have yeah you see very good example too so this like once the the the body of the candle Clos below it can be a small uh close it doesn’t matter like once they close here this is already a break so we can map map this one here as our internal this one here as our high and this was a break and now this would be the low the high and what happened there now now we turned the internal turn bullish you see and like I said I’m going to be saying like I said a lot uh like look at the movements you see you can’t spot these small movements like the swings will be like this and then you can see the the small movements are like small and pauses and now we have turned bullish here so where where is our low now our internal low is here so if this if we get enough pullback then that will be our swing high and somewhere here will be our swing low maybe this one cuz seems like when yeah there’s another tip too usually when we have uh like a uh a switch of Direction on the the internal that most of the time that already means that we’re going to have like a you can already mark this as your you’re swing low in this example here because we’re bearish right so like when we have this like low lower low lower high lower low lower high lower low now we turn bullish so this could could probably mean already that we’re going to start like a deeper pullback somewhere here it doesn’t need to go all the way there it depends on how bearish the the move is it can just come here and then go but this is still will be our low swing low and that will be our swing high so let’s keep playing I hope you guys are getting because this this concept because we going to be using literally every single day like when you’re doing your analysis so now we had [Music] another you see you can mark this and probably when you get it about the the swings the the internals uh you’re not going to be marking so much because then you can Mark just like the most recent ones but this is going to be a little more messy because H because we are trying to do like everything now see like high low and uh yeah we can already see that this will be our swing low because look how deep the the pullback is already what did I do let me Mark this guy here for dark okay you see swing High swing low our our swing which is the our most important one is bearish so even though price may still come here like you always think that the be the the swing structure is more important than the than the internal and the fractal so this could be just to come somewhere here and we’ll turn bearish then to for us to continue the move down so let’s keep playing okay again so now we have this swing High because this was already a decent pullback and that it’s still our protected low because the internal is still making higher highs so once if we do have a break and close below this protected low then our internal will turn bearish well let’s see okay we now have another pushed up so now we have have I keep doing this thing so now we had this you see boom High most recent low break now we have this as a high and what happened here again it doesn’t matter if it this is a like even though this you can be this very narrow and small it’s still it was a recent it was a decent move for us to um set it as a internal structure okay so what happen now so now we turn our internal bearish and I’m going to just put this line here for you guys to see that uh oops uh let’s see okay so like Zoom like sometimes you just need to zoom out zoom out and see what’s going on you know okay you see boom it can be doing this or price can just come here try to break this and like and then it it can fail and continue up and break this and like just always think that the market can do anything like you can have your bias because this is bearish but always think that it can just stop here it can break it can turn you can do whatever you want we just we don’t uh we just react to price action we’re not going to predict what’s going to happen so if you that’s one of the things one of my one of my goals with this course for you is to to have the professional Trader mentality like nobody will will will be able to fool you anymore oh I can’t predict the market oh I know this is going going here no you don’t know like nobody knows there’s so M there’s so much going on in the market there’s so much going on in price in the in the inside uh news and political like whatever that makes price move that nobody knows it’s it’s so many uh things that can impact price and where it’s going so you can like if someone just uh make a a lucky shot and say oh price is going to go here okay yeah that I can do that many times too but it doesn’t mean that I know where always where price is going okay sorry about that so continuing here so once we have a candle body close below this low then what then we’re going to have our uh swing bearish boss so let’s continue playing okay boom all right so what happened here we had a bearish internal and a bearish swing why did I just delete that one I don’t know okay and boom you see we had a break the push pullback this is the the highest the highest number where price came after the pullback we had a close uh B uh candle body close below this line and this line so we now have internal uh bearish move and a swing bearish move because both um close below this all right so let’s continue here I I like to if you I I don’t I don’t know about other computers but if you use apple and you you grab this line and hold shift you see that every time I hold shift it it straights the line this was very important to me because in the beginning I didn’t know this so I would try to make this line you know go uh straight but if you just hold shift it’s going to go straight and it’s going to stay in the the straight line as you can see here so do that and also another tool since we talking about this I use the magnet here like you can set this magnet so every time uh it kind the magnet will will magnetize I don’t know how to say it to the re the most recent low you see it kind of it try to it try to fit the most recent low of the candle so I I I would suggest you to leave this on so like every time you try to get the most recent low here it already the line will already kind of glued to it okay so we are almost done here I think you you guys get the sense on on how to do this so let’s just play a little more okay yeah you see price came I don’t know did it did it hit it here yeah you see like we’ll see on the next uh the the next learn I mean the next lessons that price doesn’t come here like just because there’s a reason why price came to this number here and you see why our strategy is so powerful and like I he actually blew my mind when I started stud studying price action and studying smart money concept because like it makes total sense all right uh yeah so now we have everything bearish another yeah see we’re ready here right you see that like we had the bearish bearish inter bearish internal and bearish swing price pulled back to this like very uh high probability uh POI here on the 4 Hour you know like this is like when you when you using price action and structure now both are aligned uh both uh the the internal and the swing is aligned uh with price action so you can like be sure that like not sure I mean but like you have a higher probability that this move will hold price and you can be like you can be taking shorts from this POI let me continue you see kind of fractal I’m not going to like this is too small to be internal I’m just GNA wait for another um pullback so we can mark oh I just forgot you see when we had this break here this was our most recent low and after this pullback this is our most recent high of our bearish so you can either leave this as the orange so you can uh be checking both but I usually I change this to the Swing Swing um dot so now you see high low high so the swing in turn is bearish and like I was saying this is two small to be internal for me this would be like a a fractal continuing you C you could set this and another thing guys like if you get it there’s I mean you can get it wrong sometimes and you see that it doesn’t matter matter too much you don’t need to be like oh my God I did it no like I said the the most important thing is to be looking at uh what’s going on here the most important thing is to be looking at the waves you know so if you maybe even if you set this as an internal and then price switchs up and then it’s going to come here and then it switchs uh switchs bearish bearish again like like it doesn’t really matter if you messed that up because you’re following order flow you know so okay now we have that as our high boom you see like swing right swing structure there’s enough there’s no enough pull back here yet let’s Zoom this out you see like look at the difference about like this like this and this is just a push there’s no like there’s no enough of a pullback yet for you to to set this as our swing low so let’s wait a little more let’s see if we’re going to have a pullback and another thing um because like sometimes we say like price is already extended that means that because we had a bearish um swing boss here and we already had like this this big push let me oh God because we already had this big push so we may see that price is already extended that means like if it just came here it doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to like pull back here already but like when price is already super extended like this it doesn’t mean that it it needs to start pulling back it can just continue down but it’s most likely that after a a big push like this somewhere down here you’re going to like be looking for the reversal of that move so let’s continue [Music] playing so yeah here right if we want to look at the fractal let’s say that price stopped here at a very uh probable place for a reversal so here so we had the um like this all we had this pullback right and then we had a break below and this was the most recent low and let’s see that [Music] was yeah this it will probably be like this one sometimes the the chalk is also kind of confusing because we can have like this internal which is the pullback let me grab this guy here so we had this pull back here and then this push and now um our most recent high like will be kind of like this one here because this is are are ins Side Bar and sometimes you can go to a a lower lower time frame and you see more clear like which one is the last the the nearest point in the move and then we can set this as our bullish chalk yeah and like I said again if you if you get it wrong sometimes I would like oh because I want to make it more clear instead of just like having the the lines going through all these candles like you can just like Mark here if you if you need to go to a 1 hour two hour to make it more clear you you can just do that but uh so now we had the bullish chalk and uh this is our is still our internal low let’s see what’s going to happen did we we get a break above that yeah you see it not yet this is still our Strong high on the internal so let’s see yeah like this is not a very big pullback but you can see that there’s a lot of price action inside this another very good example so you can learn how to set your swings so like once I see that there’s so much price action so much movement inside it can be ranging as well but like even though like we didn’t get like a very deep pullback but once I see like a pullback like this and like price is kind of ranging inside I already set this as a swing because I like I see a lot of action here here so right now mine low would be here for the swing so now we had this swing High protected swing low weak low and that still our internal uh the internal High because that was like a push low high pull break now that’s still our uh strong internal High so let’s see what’s going to happen just this last example and let’s see what’s going to happen yeah you it’s it’s great for you guys to see this right because price is is stuck in between these two zones here you see like there’s no no nothing much like later on as we start studying as you as we start like doing our analysis uh I’m going to going to be telling you guys like stay out of the middle and like just take and look for for the places on the the edges of the movement because like right here you see like that price is just doing whatever you wants and like you don’t want to be messing with this and if you need more confirmation what would the more like what would be the like let’s say you need more confirmation here what would the the the confirmation be so it’ll be like price turning bullish and coming back to continue or then price failed to break this high and continue down right now we don’t have nothing because price came here and it continued just like moving inside this this can be um anything that this can be like a low week or this can be like around news in a lower time frame like like on the 15 if you see this this can be just like whatever like the market is waiting you know like in decisive this is in in decisive price action I don’t know if that’s a word but uh this is just like price waiting for something to happen right it’s AC accumulating orders here to then uh take a bigger action all right so now we had this internal turn bullish here oh no we don’t know that yet so let’s see let’s see how but right now we know that it turned bullish this would be their internal low and uh let’s see and price just price could just have gone there to kind of sweep yeah see see again I think you guys get the cuz this is going that’s going for a long time already but I think you guys get the idea of how like this mapping works and uh you can see where is it just use another one here so after boom low high low high after this break the pullback went here what is the lowest number this one you see after the push and the pullback what is the lowest number on the pullback here boom okay and then it’s going to continue so price may come here boom and then or it can fail then it can break the low come back to retest and continue the movement down like I said guys don’t don’t think that you that you’re going to get this right away overnight because you oh no now I understand and now I know how to do this no this is this is hard this is not like trading is not easy so it’s going to take you some practice and later on on the when we kind of finish our course I’ll I’ll go over a video for you guys about practicing uh placing I mean uh creating your analysis like uh being very disciplined on like uh posting your charts so you can get feedback and um and like as as more as you practice this I tell you like the more you practice you you you kind of you’re going to avoid so many losses because you already know what price is doing and you’re not going to be um getting in the middle of like nowhere just because you have Pho and you don’t know what to do like I’ll give you 100% like what you need to do to enter trades to do your mapping to wait for the right area to not uh to not take low probability uh trades that’s what nobody’s showing you guys and and I I believe that’s the the only way for you to become successful the that was the only way that made uh me changing how I was trading before and that was the Breakthrough on my trading so all right guys so this was a very good practice on mapping I think for now on you guys can look at this video once or twice and go over as many times as you want but I think you guys already have the idea you can steal steal my my colors and um and uh we can go and uh be practicing more so hope you guys like this video let me know uh if you have guys have any questions uh you can contact me anytime I’ll be able to be answering your questions and I’ll see you next all right guys so before we move on to the next lesson I just wanted to show you guys two uh two tools that we can use for mapping and uh for you to kind of like have a even like a more Confluence on on your mapping and and price action in general so one of one of them is the is to make your swing structure more mechanical which uh that will help you like to if if you struggle seeing like where you should Mark your swings then you can use this this technique so like how do you do that uh like first thing you can go to there’s this to here which the it measures like the the time and how many Pips it pulls back uh on the chart or you can also hold shift and press let’s say here right we had this like I said like you can see it with with just like uh without any just by looking at the charts you can see the movement you see that boom boom okay so this would be our like swing low swing High then this was just this was just like kind of sideways going down then this was their swing low swing High swing low swing High okay so you come here and this would be our swing low right you come here and then oops got to make sure that it’s it’s glued to the lowest point so you come here and you click and it’s going to measure like how how many Pips it P it pulled back so you can see that that one is 128 um it was like s days 30 bars you can see all that so this was the 128 and uh then this one was 152 and this one was you can like measure the last five last six just by looking remember like the push and the pull back so whatever the the lowest number is you see like this is 95 so you can make a rule if if price pulls back uh if if it it pulls backs if it if it pull backs pulls back if price pulls back like less than 95 Pips then you’re going to not going to set it as a a swing pullback let me zoom in here so like let’s say price only pulled back like 60 Pips so then you’re going to see that this is not a swing low yet you know so then you could like you would have your swing High here and price could just come here 60 Pips and continue down and then do a bigger pullback and this would be your swing low and that will be the swing high and you and you could even like see here if you didn’t want to if you didn’t want to set this as your high and this is as your low this would be just a pullback you see it didn’t break above that and it would continue down you see that it it works the same way it the the mapping is just to help you so yeah so measure the like the last five six uh swings the swing structure see which one is the lowest number and you set that as a rule so if it if it goes if it pulls back less than 98 Pips I’m not going to set this as the swing okay that’s one way for you to make your swing more mechanical and another tool we use it’s the discount uh this discount and premium price so we can use uh to tell you the truth this is just a a Confluence um I use but you don’t I don’t use this to a lot but it’s good to know in the beginning like I said like a lot of that it comes with a experience but I I’ll teach you what it is so basically what it means about the discounting premium prices is that on this move like let’s say we had this premium I mean sorry this swing move right so we had this swing move so you don’t want to be selling on these lows here right like if if if we’re doing a like this is a swing so this is different uh sorry this is the 4 Hour so it’s different because we usually look for entries on the 15 minute but let’s say like you don’t want to after price pushes like what what what does price do after we push we usually have a pullback right so you don’t want to be looking for like swinging like entering a short here and I want to Target here cuz you already know we had a a bearish b Lo and price will probably pull back somewhere here so what we use is the Fibonacci to yeah you can it’s called the Feb retracement Fibonacci retracement so you can use that too and like click on top of your swing to the low of your swing let me just remove these extensions here so you’re going to set Yours at at 0 one and 0.5 so all that means is that this is the EQ the equilibrium the 50% of this move so this would be 50% and that would be 50% and and that and this would be the middle of that move but you you can see that price doesn’t need to go there that’s why I don’t use this to a lot I just wanted to let you know that you can be using this this Confluence because sometimes let’s say there’s a like later on we’re going to be learning this but let’s say the our your most recent Supply is all the way up here but price already got to the equilibrium so it doesn’t need to go there either but it already uh reached your 50% your equilibrium and it can just go from here you know so you might be like okay I’m not going to be taking uh Longs because they already reached my equilibrium area so this is a a a good tool that you can keep and that works for any time frame you can use for any of the any of the L Turnal as well but it’s it’s better used on the swings so you can see every time let me see here um yeah so you can maybe like use it here you see that now after we had uh this push we could could expect price to come to like the 50% equilibrium and you see like the the the charts and the price it’s very you can see that the the charts and the price it it moves like pretty organized you know now you reached this 50% which aligns with this this Supply here here see and uh let’s see what happens next let’s see yeah you see look price came to this the 50% area the equilibrium of this move and after this remember what I just said price just died from there there because you’re already uh reached the a area of a premium area where you can be selling it it’s the same like training is like buying and selling so you you don’t want to be buying too high you know so if if price is already here you don’t want to be buying High you want to wait for Price comes to the discount area till then you you buy again okay so let me know if this is useful and um you can be setting this start as you map you start using this tool to uh to map the the areas where of the swings and see how price reacts to that and um yeah I think this is a very good tool and uh so yeah [Music] multi-time frame analysis it’s the process of analyzing an instrument by looking at different time frames every trading chart will give you a different perspective to help you analyze the historical data of the per your trading so when doing multi-time frame analysis more is not actually better looking at too many time frames can get you confused and it can also be unnecessary it is better to have a strategy and follow that for your analysis otherwise you ended up trying to force a trade because you’re not allowing the chart to show you the right information so in our strategy we trade using the Daily 4 Hour 15 minute for overall analysis and Direction and we look at the one minute time frame for entries and at the beginning of the week we might also look at the weekly chart just to help us paint a bigger picture about the week I would also say that learning M time frame analysis is one of the most important parts of trading we all get confused when we just trying to understand this part because they can’t look like a massive puzzle until you start putting all the pieces together but don’t worry with practice everything will start to get more clear think about multitime frame analysis this way you are in an airplane flying over a stadium if you have a very good camera and zoom out you only see the stadium from the outside but as you start to zoom in more and more you will be able to see the field then the players and even the ball that’s how multitime frame analysis work it will help you to see the big medium and small picture meaning you also see how investors are seeing the swing Traders and sculpt Traders and when we do multitime frame analysis we always start from the bigger time frame to a small time frame this was one of the things that I learned first when I started learning about winter time frame analysis a run on a higher time frame is a trend on a lower time frame and that’s true for all the time frames guys you got to remember we are doing the weather’s men’s job to create a forecast about a market Direction price action doesn’t follow our analysis we follow price action a professional Trader does not predict the movement he’ll React to what the market is showing so here we are again uh like always I believe it’s very important for us to look at the first to look at l and how how are we seeing um the structure of the market before jumping into looking at candles and the and how how the market is moving in real time so let’s just go a little about the basics again of the Swing structures so to understand multitime frame analysis let’s start at the beginning like like at uh let’s let’s make it simple and we’re going to look at two two times frame one is a higher time frame and one’s a lower time frame so let’s look at this first and this is going to be our uh higher time frame okay so I think by now you’re already very familiar with the market structure and how to map them so as you can see here we had this push the pullback the boss so the Market’s making higher highs here and uh still boom and we had another boss here when we had the candle body close on both both sides here and then price reached to a certain point here in the market where he wanted to reverse so this would be um a supply area a very strong Supply Supply area on the higher time frame which made the the market pull back okay so at this time here we had a a strong low a weak High uh a strong low a weak high but then price to keep this as a a weak high and this is a strong let’s say this is a strong strong low right so when we had the push remember like this uh price should have pulled back and then try to push again to break this High because the job of this low was to break that high okay but like what happened then we had a push down and then we had a bearish boss so the market structure switched to bearish okay so we had this low here as our strong low and then when we had the push and then we had another push down to a bearish now this became a weak low and that became a strong high and as we continue then we came here boom bearish move then we had a chalk to to the upside which is the our first sign of a change then a pullback then another push okay so this is our hard time frame so it doesn’t matter you always if you’re compared if you always compare like two time frames so this would be the higher time frame so now let’s look at the multitime frame analysis and how this would look so let’s say this is the 4H hour right so let’s let’s make it this this except and this is the 4our time frame so I’m just going to change here uh as I have it uh so let’s change this to like a more faded color so you guys can see what I mean okay so now I’m going to be teaching you guys how to read the multi time frame analysis okay multi time frame not analysis but okay I I changed the colors um of the higher time frame the 4our to a more faded black so we can now uh start to take a look at the lower time frame so let’s think that this white one is the 15 minute or a lower time frame okay so it doesn’t matter but uh let’s say this is the 15 minute all right so as we are pushing up remember like a run run run so this is a run okay so what is a run a run on the higher time frame is the trend on the lower time frame so this would be a run and this would be a run a run a run okay so as you can see like when we see a push on the higher time frame which in this case would be the 4 Hour we would then if we drop to the 15 minute then we would would see price trending up to create the the push that we see on the 4 Hour it’s kind of the same as the as we were seeing on the the market structure for Swing Swing structure and in the internal structure but uh so as you can see here so price was training up then we had a a chalk to switch price to a bearish state here on the the lower time frame and then as you can see the change on the 15 minute the first chalk and a change it could be like an internal internal change or just a a bearish chalk here but you but the main thing you need to understand is that the the higher time higher time frame is more important than the lower time frame so the the DAT will be more important than the 4 Hour and the 4 Hour will be more important than 15 minute okay so here right we had this push a run and a run and like if you’re remember about our Market structure how does the market uh move by pushing pull back pushing pull back until it fails so we always expect that it’s going to push and pull back to break the recent high or the recent low if you’re on a bearish move okay but uh here right so you can see that price only changed the the the the the lower time frame only changed to bearish for the higher time frame for the pull back of the higher time frame okay so that’s why a lot of people get confused about the direction and uh they don’t they they they can’t read the market and they can’t read the the direction of the market right and they got stuck and that’s sometimes we call you got um you got caught in the wrong you got caught in the wrong side of the market so that’s what we mean we professional Traders when we say that it’s because you’re you’re thinking that this is going down uh and this is going to go all the way down here uh but you you got to understand that the higher time frame is like is more important like I said and this change here was just to facilitate the pullback on the higher time frame to come here and uh we’re going to still we’re going to talk about the demand and Supply just to mitigate something here and then to to do another push okay so I hope you understand this little part and as we keep going price I mean the Market still do the same thing the lower time frame came here it pulled back to uh to do the pullback on the 4 Hour now and again right this is a weak high and this is the strong low so the job of the strong low is to break the recent high on the lower time frame on the higher time frame but remember we are just looking at the the higher time frame and then we’re analyzing the lower time frame to see what what it’s doing so the the job of this was to break that high so when we had the pullback our bias is that this was just a pullback and the lower time frame just turned bearish so we can continue the movement okay so here again so when the the pullback was complete we changed bullish again we had a a bullish struck okay and then price continue price continue and then here we could have just a small again right we could just have a just small reaction to the the recent High because this is a very strong resistance but then price just reacted and contined going up okay because we we understand right cuz we look at the the higher time frames first and then we know that this was just a pullback and that’s why um when you’re taking shorts you got to be like more safe when you’re going uh counter Trend because you can’t take shorts from here to here somewhere but you got to be more conscious right that this is a pullback but we’re going to be going over that uh a little later because uh we’re going to be talk about entries and stuff like that later on okay again right so we continue to break this High came here same thing again had a bearish chalk again continue down boom again right so what was this this was just a pullback on the 4H hour higher time frame to then what to then continue up okay like later on you we’re going to going to learn where price I mean when we have a pullback there are certain places where price price I mean not should stop but like it’s a high probability places where price could stop and mitigate so we can continue the move up all right once again price changed bearish on the lower time frame just to facilitate the pullback of the higher time frame okay so again we had a a a bullish a bullish chalk again we continued up same thing again right so here so here is the inter interesting part so we had this push here again we broke we broke this recent High we had a bearish truck again but then when we came here like we broke all the demands that were here that was supposed to hold price to continue up and instead what happened we came here we had a pullback then we reacted to this low and then we reacted here right and then what happened we changed the higher time frame the 4our changed bearish right here okay so so now like I said we have had this as the strong low now after we had this change of direction to the downside now this is our Strong high and this became our weak low okay hope I I hope you guys de with me and like I said guys this is one of the hardest parts of trading because you can get confused in the beginning but don’t worry like I used to be very confused about this part too and it was hard in the beginning but like once you get this this will be mind blown like just just stick with me okay so all right so 4 hour change bearish here okay so the 15 minute right change bearish to then we came here pulled back but like this was still our strong high on the lower time frame but then we came here price couldn’t break this low and then we pushed up but again right remember that now our 4-Hour structure is bearish so this this chalk that happened here on the lower time frame was what was just a pullback of the 4 Hour you know like do you see now like that everything aligns that uh the price like on the lower time frame is just building is just building the the bigger picture for the higher time frame so okay so here like you can see also that the chalk was up here because this didn’t break the low so the nearest high here was this one not this one okay if you still confused about confused about this part go back to our chalk um fractal section so you can go over this again okay so again right price came back here it couldn’t break this low on the lower time frame and then it switched uh bullish but for what was just to mitigate something here to then continue down so this was just pullback on the 4 Hour and this was still strong this was a weak low and price should the job of the strong point is to break the weak point so as we can see here it accomplished the his job to break the recent low right okay so what happened here again we had a chalk price continued down we knew that we could possibly be breaking this low here because price on the fire was bearish right and what happened here we had a a bearish boss again and uh so as like right here we would be expecting price to just pull back some somewhere here to continue down right but again what happened like yeah we we’re going to have confirmations we’re going to use the like I said when you put all the all the M all the time frames together it it’s so much easier to create this this picture right to tell a story of what price is doing okay so like we wouldn’t have a confirmation here that price is holding somewhere like the pullback remember we can use the discounting premium price or even like we’re going to learn about the the supply areas here that like this this high would have broken the supply area here so that’s why the price went up but this is for later so let’s continue here so again price on the lower time frame turned bullish would but it would on our first thought would would be just that price was pulling back to continue down but instead price broke the highs again so now we turned bullish on the 4 Hour okay so again same thing happened price came here kind of wicked out on top of this one and then we had a bearish chalk came here and now that we changed uh bullish again price what’s going to happen now we have this strong low weak High what is the job of this strong low is to break the recent high like after it push pull back now the job of this these two guys here is to break this recent high and then what happened we had a bearish I mean a bullish chalk again boom price came to mitigate something here and then we pushed back uh I I I draw this this example here for a reason right sometimes you’re going to see that okay price like okay right so we had the 4our push pull back the lower time frame turned bullish after the pullback was over and then it pushed back right so here let’s say you you had a push but that was a a false attempt we just uh closed on this this uh this trend line here with a wick and then price pull back here it’s still like it doesn’t mean that this was a failure right until we see another like let’s say here right let me Jo draw the side so let’s say that we had this push and then we had a pull back here and then we had a push okay maybe if we saw a chalk or a internal internal structure uh changing bearish here okay we could see that this was a a a failure to break this High then possibly price could start coming down again but like this was just a reaction like like the the reason that uh because price didn’t um because price failed to close above with the candle body close on the 4 Hour or the 15 minute it doesn’t mean that it should go down from here this was just a reaction to then we continue up right and then that’s what happened so we just had a uh awake here came back to mitigate something here and then continue up so yeah I know this is a little uh hard to understand in the beginning but keep um I think you guys should practice on the charts like marking your high time frames your lower time frames and and going and start to see how Market is moving you’re going to be analyzing and marking your highs your lows and then you start marking the lower time frames highs and lows the chalks the switch of Direction and everything like that and this is going to be doing every single day you’re going to you’re going to have so much practice throughout the course and throughout your trading career that that that’s this is one thing that I do every single day I I come to my computer I go to the Daily then I see what’s going on and then like this would take kind of like let’s say this was the daily right this would take a couple days just to do this move here so like you don’t need to worry so much about that right so and then like just the P back it would take another couple days or three four days and then we had you know so like if you’re we always following like one or two pairs Max so like you’re going to be so like aware what’s going on in the market like when you wake up and look at the charts you’re gonna see like okay like it was right here yesterday so now it’s back here okay I know this is just I know this is trending up this is a bullish Trend so I know that this was just a pullback so I’m just waiting for price to um to turn bullish on the lower time frame so I can look for entries somewhere down here to continue the the move up all right and if it fails to break this High here I know okay I’m not I’m not not not going to a formal uh I don’t know if I can say that okay my English is breaking as we speak but uh okay so like price failed to break this High here and then it turned bearish from here okay this is a good indication that price might be failing to break this high and it want to push low now so like we just we we don’t we just React to what we see you know and if there’s no trades that day that’s it there’s no trades and we move on okay so I hope you guys got this and we just let’s just take a little more let’s dive a little deeper into this right so again guys so this was the 4our the the black one so and here we had the push then price turned bearish the structure turned bearish came here and then right here the job of this push I mean the yeah the when we had this this push here like we were expecting the price would just pull back to continue down so instead what happened so we came here right we turned bearish structure and then we pushed up again so so now let’s dive a little further than that so what happened here that price stopped here and then we went up again so let me change this and now you going to understand a little more I’m just going to do a a long line like this another line like this another line like this let me change this color to maybe Orange guys so right the right here so this is what multi-time frame analysis is remember a run on a hard time frame is a trend on the lower time frame so now let’s say that this this orange one is the daily so that’s why this was a push this was just a pullback and this was another push so now you see like how one stack on top of the other and stack on top of the other right so like if we we’re going to see when you when you start analyzing your charts let me just put a a boss uh let’s see if I can do this right we had a boss here boom let me change this this orange okay so this now the the orange one is our daily okay again on the on the daily when you go to the Daily time frame maybe you’re going to see like your lows here your your strong lows here then we’re going to see the weak High then we’re going to see the pullback on The Daily and then another push so again right if we you’re you’re always looking at two time frames if you’re looking at the daily then you’re comparing the daily with the 4 Hour and the 4 Hour with the 15 and the 15 and then you can jump on the one minute the same way you’re going we’re going to be looking at this later the same way we look at this on the 154 hour in Daily we’re going to be looking at the one minute we’re going to have the chalk on the one minute the breakup structure and everything else okay so when you go to the Daily you’re going to be seeing this push here as price on the 4our is creating the this the trend structure right and then when it turned be bearish we you see like right here when it started to turn bearish we’re going to see on the 4 Hour that price failed and then like it started to pull back down and then we’ll see that okay so price only turned bearish on the 4H hour was just to give the pullback on The Daily right so like I hope you guys are understanding this so the the price only changed the bearish on the 4 Hour to give us the pullback on The Daily so the reason why price stopped here on the on on the 4 Hour was because this was just a pullback on the 4 Hour that’s why like when it came like maybe like on the discount of the daily or like some very um very strong demand here that’s why we don’t continue to take shorts you know like as as we start learning you’ll see what I mean but like because we know that the daily is bullish and this was just a uh the bearish the the 4our turn bearish just for the pullback to then continue the movement movement again and again if we delete the the orange same thing right the the push we see on the four hour the the 50 minute turn bearish just to do the the the pullback of the hard time frame to then continue to move up and and we still go from there okay guys so I think that’s it for now because I think we’re extending a little bit and I’m going to show you guys on the charts like how we can take take this to the real life and uh but I I think this makes like so much easier to understand by using these lines first because then when we jump to the the charts to the candles you understand what I mean and uh so on the next video I’ll show you exactly how how I analyze the market when I got to my computer for in the morning every single day and and you’re going to be practicing this every day like I said so go over this as many times as you can because this like I said this you’re going to be looking at this every single day and you’re going to be practicing every single day and by the end of the course so we’re going to have some um homework for you to do right so just wait on that one and um let’s let’s continue on the next video all right so let’s continue with our practice on multitime frame analysis and now let’s jump to the charts um yeah so this is is going to be the the real thing now on the charts with the candles and everything so so let’s start here like I said on the previous video we we start the analysis from the higher time frame going to the lower time frame so this is exactly how I do it every morning every day uh for the analysis for the pr the pair I’m going to be trading for that that day okay so just uh just to have us some previous like history here on how the market was moving so we had this push here and then the swing pulled back right and then we had a break with a candle close like on top of this high so this was the um the yeah I would say This is Swing too so this was a strong and know weak strong low weak High then um then a push pull back so this was still a strong low weak high and then we had the push then this became our strong low and when price pushed again it was supposed to be uh price was supposed to stop somewhere here for the pullback and then this this push triy to break the recent high and then you couldn’t so this is one of the things too right right guys uh because it’s not only p uh Market structure but you also you also need to look at a price action so what what is price doing where it stopped what it tried to do and couldn’t um accomplish so this very good example here right so price stopped here at this demand then try to push to break this high and it couldn’t so and what happened after that we had a break I mean uh not a break uh we had a push back again and again right like if price just came here and mitigate on something else and it continue it could have done this right and continue up but in this case it broke down with the candle the candle body closure below the low so before this low here was the strong low and that was the weak high but after the closure here now this became the Strong high and this became the week low so on The Daily the swing structure became bearish okay remember like how price uh moves push pull back push came back pull back triy to break couldn’t break and then push down and so what’s going to happen again same thing push pull back push until price fails to break okay so this was a too small of a structure for us to set as a as our swing um I don’t really um map my day on like the the the internal structure of the daily because I don’t think it’s necessary but you could if you want it um so let’s continue just with the swing to make it easier for us um so I can explain it better for you guys so like after this push here right so just a quick note here guys and I think you guys will be seeing on this example that’s why it’s always better to go pro Trend like let’s say here now right we had this push so that’s why it’s always good to go pro Trend because it doesn’t mean that because it broke down here that it’s supposed to to pull back price doesn’t need to do anything you know so that’s why it’s always more Pro uh higher probability to continue with the trend you see even on the smaller time frame on the internal structure you can see that price was a bearish here so yeah because like I said like you can see here the price pulled back but it doesn’t need to because if we use the the discounting premium price let me change this thing to the [Music] let’s see here yeah you see so here would be the premium price of this swing move if we mark this right but as you can see price didn’t go all the way up there you could price like after that push it could continue like going until then it fails and then it wants to pull back okay so let’s continue here now we have after this push now uh this was a a more significant pullback for us to mark this as our um strong low I mean sorry uh yeah so strong high and uh then we had the pullback yeah now we had this weak low sorry about that and uh okay and now we have this Strong high here okay so same thing right so what do we expect price to pull back and this high should be protected until we see a bigger change which means this this would switch bullish and then we would maybe start uh seeing like a switch of Direction and maybe it coming all the way up here we’re not going to be uh going to the weekly but this like as you can see that it’s a very big push so this would probably be like a a weekly push and then a weekly pull back but let’s let’s continue here on the daily so okay again so we have this daily strong right so let’s continue let’s play this and see what’s going to happen Okay so now remember for us to we we had a chalk here somewhere let’s see this I would mark this one here as our chalk up daily chalk let’s see where is it sorry guys I changed this thing here now it’s all over the place so we had this um The Daily chalk right so again right so what is the the chalk means the chalk is the first sign that it it probably it would want to pull back but sometimes it just wants to pull back to stop somewhere here and then it goes down so here right we had this push and so far we only had the wick and um so when we talk about uh multitime frame analysis guys like when you see like small structures like this on the lower time frame like you don’t need sometimes you don’t even need to go to the lower time frame to know that this is a that this would be like a 4our swing right on the lower time frame because like you’re going to like as you start trading and analyzing your pairs every day you see like when price is doing like a bigger move like this on The Daily right so you see that here price on the 4 Hour would have changed bullish for a little bit to come here then change bearish and continue so like just by looking at the daily you can see that but again like because we had the switch of direction to um the the swing on The Daily to to switch bearish we expect that price will continue bearish until we see a very um like a bigger like switch of Direction and then we start making high highs which will be like a bigger pullback but so far because our daily is still um bearish we only had this pull back here we had a break we could mark this uh let’s see we could mark this low here as our swing swing low now because it was a very good pullback so let’s see what’s happening on the lower time frame let’s go to the 4 Hour okay even on the 4 Hour you can see that we had this um you see like how big the the push was to the to the upside and we had uh the chalk was all the way down here you see that like the on the on The Daily we saw that the chalk was up here but when you see that that price on let’s say on The Daily right when it comes here and it start pulling back you’re usually going to see on the lower time frame in which case in this case would be on the 4 Hour you’re going to see the the the chalk all the way down here on the 4 Hour but maybe sometimes the the daily chalk will be kind of like somewhere up here you know because like price would usually like do something like this and then the chalk will be here but it the the reversal it starts on the lower time frame and then it it will be like doing a small structure and then switch bullish here and then you’ll see that this is going to be the low the higher time frame pullback okay so let’s go back there 4 hour right so we still here we still protected because the the for the daily it’s still that strong daily which is this orange line here and so far and so far price just Wicked that high and it hasn’t closed above so let’s continue again right so price continue to push like nothing yet and then we die it down so let’s see how it looks on the 15 minute so here guys you see like let’s say you guys had your bullish uh structure here on the 15 okay so you probably would have let me Mark like this like the the bullish 15 would be kind of like this and then you would have like here I’m just giving like uh some examples and like showing you in real time how how I would be looking at this and um this is a very good example instead of like instead of going um to with like very specific examples I want to show you guys more complex examples which like I think you guys need to learn first because then the the easy ones which what other people like to teach because they they show you the the best scenarios you know so I want to show you the hardest scenarios because when you see a a more complex I mean uh when you see the easier two spot complex then then it will then it will be easy for you to when when you understand the complex then the basic and easy will be easier so I hope you understand what I mean okay so here right remember like just by seeing the waves remember what I told you guys before uh this would be like a small structure then we see the swing structure so like this would be kind of like a swing this would be like internal structure another swing another push okay okay let’s so mark this up here and then what after this push on the 15 what is the lowest um like lowest place where price went before the push so this would be it so after we had this break here so this was the lowest part of the pullback right of the Swing on the 15 minute so right here this is this is what I want to teach you guys so this is very important right here right this is the price on the 15 minute swing it turned bullish here so this is very important for you guys to understand because remember that this is the Strong high on The Daily remember let me go back there for you guys to see like we are right here on the 15 minute let me change that to the 15 minute dark okay right we are right here so as you can see on the 15 minute price turned bullish on top of that the line but like after that happened what happened we had a push down so I need you guys to understand this the multi time frame analysis cuz we we we start from the low the higher time frame which is the most important one then we go and lower to the lower time frame right on the 4 Hour we also didn’t close above we just had like this week and it was kind of volatile here so it’s like I I I would probably not be doing much here because it looks like very choppy and nothing really happened maybe it was news or something like that or depend on the time uh where this happened so like right here guys so when you see that okay price wants to continue going up because it turned bullish on the 15 but remember like what like when you see something like this like you go to the 4 Hour and see oh like what’s going on here like okay price just Wicked above and like which one is more um stronger the the higher time frame or the lower time frame the higher time frame so like when you see that price okay it turned bullish on the 15 minute swing but it’s still it just Wicked out on the the higher time frame you you’re already know okay like I need more confirmation that this wants to continue going up so like you don’t do anything and that’s why like when you saw that even though price turned bullish here then we saw that it just Wicked on The Daily and the the 4 Hour then price again it turned then it turned bearish here you see so the turn the price only turned bullish on top of that just to try to break the high there but but this is the we are talking about a higher time frame structure so it only Wicked out there and here it closed above just to try to break the highs or maybe sweep liquidity which we’re going to learn later and then right away away it pushed down again and switch bearish aligning with the daily and the 4 Hour so I hope you guys understand this part um and I I think uh the it’s a I think the more we we analyze every day I think you guys will be getting this more with the practice on The Daily um as we practice daily and uh we look at the same pair every day uh you guys going to get a sense of how the Market’s moving and uh it’s going to be easier for you guys so let’s continue so we can see some more examples how we can use the the different time frames to create a story like on the the movement on the market so let’s continue to push down here okay so here right remember what what happened even though we had a chalk even though it then price turned uh bearish here on the daily then we pushed up we never closed above this on the daily and the 4 Hour and like I said guys like it didn’t it didn’t go all the way up to pull back on this uh to this swing here so and you see like sometimes the movements will be larger on the on the higher time frame like look how big this is but because like price was very bullish here so like this was still our low and that was Z High you know so like look the difference on this move and this smaller move okay so now right so now we have this low here protected and then what what happened now so again right we had this push the pullback and now another push so after we had price um break below and with a body closure below the this recent low now our strong height I mean this is going to be our strong height so so we can just copy of course that’s going to happen right so we’re going to copy this guy here and that was the highest area price went before the break so this is now our Strong high okay so as price continues um like right here right the what is our nearest high this would be the nearest high if if we are to have a chalk on the bullish chalk but only when price breaks above that we’re going to have a chalk I’ll just leave this here in case so we can continue to see okay nothing happened we had a a break again we had a bearish balls again boom continue okay so nothing happen here I’ll just move this to the side and then we had a bearish boss oops what did I do okay and the bearish and these are strong High okay we continue like that I just want to keep playing cuz I want to show you guys an example okay right here right again guys we’re going to learn this later because we’re looking at because when we’re looking even though we are looking at the just the swings the fractal is very important too so we can expect the the change the switch of Direction let me change this to the here so as you can see here like price we had a a pullback here and then price came all the way down here and we had let’s see if this breaks so you can see that like here 09 334 and that is 09 364 let me see if I’m seeing this right I’m going to I’m going to look here at the hsl okay 09 334 and 09 364 so you can see that we had a break of this is recent High here so like that we had a a chalk in a sense but that’s why I’m saying like that a chalk is just a little signal you cannot just go like with the chalk to expect price to to pull back because it doesn’t always need to do like this come here oh no now we have a chalk like we’re going to take long from here up no we need to understand that price is still bearish and and maybe this is just a sweep of liquidity which price is grabbing orders on top of this this sorry this High here just to continue down as it as it did right so let’s continue okay boom price still this is two too small of a of a price action to be a swing let’s see what happened okay price reacted to this highs here and then we had a chalk okay we had a chalk here right where is this oh there you go now we can use this guy okay so now we had a chalk here so remember guys like I said when you see even if you see smaller structure on the data like this you’re going to see like price maybe this is a swing on the 4 Hour or the 15 even like a bigger structure on the 15 and when you see price like chalk like in this case right we had a chalk bullish on The Daily on the the 4 Hour you’ll see like price we had a swing and then it pushed down it had a bearish boss and it probably it changed uh Direction with a swing bullish here and this would look like this on the daily and we would have uh a bigger structure on the 4 Hour so let’s see how it looks there remember we had a uh we had a a bar uh sorry a bullish chalk to the upside our swing on The Daily is still uh bearish so we are expecting price only to to come back somewhere up here like maybe to this Supply or maybe we can use our discount uh we can use our discount price to and discounting premium price this would be the EQ of this move let’s see let me use the main here okay so even like right here right you yeah uh we’re going to learn this later but this is like a a sell to buy Supply area we don’t need to worry about that right now but you can see that here is the the 50% um area of this swing move so let’s go to the 4 Hour remember what I said so here right sorry that I’m having to grab this stuff here on the Fly okay we have Bo price had a a swing bearish move which would be here change price boss okay and then what happened this remember this is the strong daily high and this will Pro I mean this will be the daily uh week low now but on the day on the 4 Hour you can see that we had the the the strong sorry the Strong high weak low Strong high weak low this price was supposed just to come here to pull back here but like what happened instead of doing this to continue on The Daily it came here and then it broke to the upside so this so price is switching bullish on the 4 Hour to facilitate the pullback on The Daily okay so I hope you guys understand so now that we know this we know that uh we we’re not going to push price too much on the daily since we know that we’re expecting price to maybe like I said like comes to some Supply here or now we are hitting the the EQ of the bearish on The Daily so price could just stop here to continue the the move down and this switching price this switch in uh the swing price action was just to help price pull back on the daily so let’s see what’s happening on the 15 same thing right look at that I’m I’m just going to mark Mark here guys so make it easier for you you see we had a push now we had this strong high now we had the push again and then price pushed up breaking this High which it looks pretty similar to the 4our so if you’re if you wanted to take Longs um maybe if you had like a very strong demand here but you know that price just wants to do uh a pullback on The Daily so okay now I see that price is getting close to the EQ which is like almost the 50% of that move so it’s the premium zone of that strong push so price anytime here if if I’m looking at the daily anytime here price can just be switching again it it will switch uh let me just grab this and so I’m just going to do the 15 minut boss and then again right it looks pretty similar to the four the 4 Hour of course that’s not going to What’s happen it doesn’t want to glue to that to the top one there oh there okay guys so actually it should be this one okay so push pull back push okay boom price pushed up so we could maybe wait for price to come back here and probably like do a little pullback to then continue up and then like do a little pullback and then when it’s time that the pullback on The Daily is done we would be see like a push down maybe a pull back and then we would like start to making lower lows on the 15 the 4 Hour and all that so let’s see let’s play price here to see what’s going [Music] on you see like it takes more time on the 4 Hour but look let’s see how it looks on The Daily like you see like how he respects the the 15 minute push on the daily as well you see like two the PIP here I mean not to the PIP but it came to this Zone here so you like you you can be using the the discount and premium price just to see where we are and like when when price switch bullish here you know know that this is just a pullback and uh and you could you can you could even set this as a internal structure because that’s the the swing and this is the struct and and this is the internal and price switch um bullish on the internal just to do the pullback and then it would push down again so all this time remember that the swing that’s that’s that’s what I do when I’m trading like first thing okay how is the the daily it’s bearish okay so how is the bullish where is uh where is Price uh according to the 4 Hour and daily okay so it’s finishing the pullback like what what is it doing now so like if we see here right price came here I’m just going to put this here because this is like a supply that we’re going to be learning and then okay what happened so this is the swing price pull back made a you can see that this is a fractal now we had uh I’m just going to grab this guy now we had a bearish chalk so you see First Signal was a bullish chalk to Signal you guys that price would start the pullback then when it was done with the pullback then price signal with a bearish chalk like that to showing you that possibly the the pullback was done and then it it broke gave a a bearish pullback let me draw this came here remember remember what I said in the beginning right so like even here on the daily just by looking at this the fractal on The Daily would be a larger movement on the 4 Hour but just here like I don’t I don’t even need to go to the 4 Hour right now just here right just by looking at the da because it’s it’s even easier to see because it’s less candles like the 4our would probably look like something like that oh sorry about that something like big like this and then it would push and then it would think that price would still try to go up you know but we already know that this is a pullback so like it’s even less candles and it’s easier to spot so price here right it came here it pulled back it mitigated this Supply and then we had a bearish chalk so after so after the here right so price changed to bearish so like we we started the bearish movement from here to then continue down okay so like you see how easier it is to spot let me see if we can see it better um let’s see yeah right even like this so would probably like have my daily swing here and then oops sorry then we have the low here then we had the high there also this guy okay like push pull back it came here to this you would probably see as a a daily um a 4H hour chalk but but this was just a sweep of liquidity below here then price pushed up again and then we came here we reacted to a demand here then let me see if this breaks up below that yeah you see like just if price uh close just a little bit below that that’s already a a switch of a swing structure to the downside so this SW switched uh bearish here which you see like how everything aligns like the 4 Hour is aligning on The Daily but the daily it would probably be easier for you to spot look like little pull back push bearish you so you would spec price to come back here to make a lower low lower high to then continue down and then okay so which one where is your target I mean you would have another targets inside here on the 4 Hour or maybe the 15 but you know that this is the weak low so if that is only the pullback this should be your Target because that’s the weak low I’m not saying that you need to hold all the way from here to there but you would probably be taking sharts somewhere here and then somewhere here and then okay now now I’m going to be a little sorry let me play this there okay let me just so now I’m going to be a little more cautious because price can maybe just fail to continue down here and probably you could start doing this but as long as price don’t switch we all we still still have our buyas as the Daily’s bearish right so let’s see what happens okay you see we had a reaction it doesn’t mean that this is going to take um this is going to turn bullish just because we had a reaction right and then let’s see okay you see that and again right and you start to see that when we had this bearish move here pulled back back see how powerful this move was so like for us to have a be I mean a bullish chalk it would have to go all the way up here to break this high but instead it just reacted because this is a strong uh area because this was the low where price reacted to to start the pullback so it just reacted and then it continued down again and the and price continues on the the 4 Hour again you see boom price continues there and then this will be same thing over and over and over again push pull back push and now we would have that as our high and we continue price on The Daily we would see that price broke here you see that was the push on the daily price only switched um bullish on the 4 Hour to come pull back here it doesn’t need to go all the way up there as you can see price then turned bearish then just pull back to mitigate something here respected this strong high on the 4 Hour and then it continue with the move down breaking this daily which here will be the daily low let’s say that okay so I hope you guys get some the sense and how how everything moves and price like once you start stacking like one price price action sorry one market structure on top of the other one time frame on top of the other you start like uh like picturing like B how how everything is moving and this is guys like because I’m playing back just to show you guys some like like some very good examples like some like I showed you the the failure to break the highs and now I I showed you guys that price just came to pull back here but like once you are once you are on the live market you can see that each each candle here is one whole day you know we right we’re here right like this is going to take one two three almost like uh one week or two weeks for this to happen so like you only need to okay you spot something here on the daily okay so price is approaching the PO price is approaching a very strong area here or like let’s say we are here right so price just gave us the first uh sign that they wants to pull back so okay so the EQ is all the way up there we had this Supply here which like I said we’re going to learn later we still we still have we could be pulling back so like we had all these days here to look for Longs knowing that this was just a pullback it doesn’t mean because this is a pullback and price is bar on The Daily that we only going to take shorts here of course it’s always better to go with order flow and like continue with price action but like when you go here okay we had the 4our um the daily chalk to the upside then okay price now switch bullish to the upside okay maybe uh let me see yeah later on you going to see that like one goes on top of the other we had a big uh big movement here but like here probably price we we would have a chalk to the upside here price maybe came to mitigate something and then you start like okay I’m taking Longs until price like uh reach the like maybe the EQ or like the daily or the 4our supply then okay now I’m going to be a little little more aware that price wants to just to mitigate that then continue the move down okay all right guys so this is a little more complex but as you as we start learning and practicing you’ll see how everything aligns and uh and everything will start to make sense but I I believe that this is just to give you guys um some good examp examples and teach you guys the concept but nothing’s better than practice like I only like I I remember studying this in the beginning it was kind of hard because like okay like how do I put all these time frames together but you see like once you start doing daily swing and then 4our swing structure and then you start okay on the the 15 I’ll do the the swing the internal the chalk and then like okay now I know where we are now I know that I only have this move here to take Longs and that move to take shorts and you go from there okay guys so again if you guys have any question like about this this section here I’ll try to um if you guys have any like specific question I’ll try to make another video or answer it or go a little deeper into into the the teaching to help you guys to understand this a little more and uh let me know in the the comment section if you guys have any question thanks so much and I’ll see you on the next [Music] video the exchange rate for a currency is determined by the supply and demand of that particular currency in the Forex Market the supply represents the number of assets that are available to be bought and the demand is the quantity of that asset that people are willing to buy when there’s a greater demand for a particular currency than the supply its price will increase as buyers outbid each other on the contrary when there’s more Supply than demand the price decreases the charts show this constant exchange of orders that happens all day long the charts usually show balanced transactions until you see some big imbalances the spikes you see in price are made by large institutions placing orders in the market so it takes massive amounts of money to move a single pip in the market so as you may already know you and I are not able to make the waves in this trillion dollar ocean we need to wait for these waves of orders and catch them when it’s time these orders are placed at key levels in the market so our job is to find and map where the big players are placing their orders so we can use them as point of [Music] interest just to recap what I mentioned in the supply and demand overview section which is really important to understand supply and demand mapping so first there is a constant exchange of orders between buyers and sellers the imbalanced spike of orders is generated by large institutions that use a combination of fundamental and Technical algorithm to decide on the strength of a currency based on all this information collected orders are placed on the market which leave traces and can be clearly visible on the charts we always need to have in the back of our mind that for price to move orders need to be filled so whoever is placing these orders are always looking for liquidity in the market they need to use liquidity to fill their orders to make the market move when looking to map is strong zones we are looking at places where price previously reacted to a Zone also called the flip there was a breakup structure had a liquidity sweep or inducement which we will go over in the next lesson we will be using the flip analysis in all of the time frames including on the one minute for entries so it’s very important to understand this concept as well a flip is a reaction to an important resistance level that will lead to the price breaking through or reversing from it so if the price just breaks through a level without reacting to it that means that the zone is not important enough so we don’t need to map them so if sometimes you see me marking a Zone and then later I delete it it’s because it’s unnecessary to leave those zones on the chart because there was no reaction to it as I mentioned before we use multitime frame analysis is to understand the bigger picture of the charts but it can also be used to spot strong zones first let’s understand the basics of multi-time frame so one week candle equals to five daily candles one daily candle has five 4our candles and so on so when mapping our zones we also start painting the picture from the higher to small time frames it’s similar to the rushan stacking dolls we will map zones inside of the zones until we find find our precise point of interest for example we will map one daily candle Zone and when we drop to the 4-Hour time frame we can refine our Zone to a more specific area and as we start looking at the 15minute time frame we can spot a range that simply means that there’s been an accumulation of orders and inside this range we’ll be able to refine even more our zones to create our entry areas or points of interest with the multi-time frame zones in mind let’s see how we can start creating these zones so again what are we looking for reaction zones and zones that break structure these zones will be seeing on the charts in form of a single candle which can also be refined to body and Wick or just Wicks depend on the size in sidebars and buy to sell or sell to buy ranges this supply and demand zones can be seen everywhere in the market so mapping the right zones we also skill you will get it with time you will see that if you mark every single Zone on the charts it will make your charts look like a war zone and probably get in the way of you making the right analysis so it’s our job as technical traders to find which one of the zones makes sense to create a trade idea around it we need to gather all confluences in our favor like Trend direction is the price reacting to the zone for a continuation or a reversal discount or premium areas where price related to structure and most importantly liquidity so next we’ll explore the liquidity Theory and its application in refiner zones all right guys here we are with another practice on the lines um and this time so we’re going to look at uh supply and demand zones uh this is a very nice practice because uh really I really enjoy when I learned this about like supply and demand zones and the the whole concept it totally like made sense for me uh and especially because I was already trading before and I was like why didn’t I learn this before so I’m glad I did so I’ll teach you uh everything I know so let’s go so first of all right so we’re just using the lines here first but uh we can see that we are having like some swing moves in the market push pull back push pull back yeah you must have be you must have been uh tired of this already of the the structure sections but uh yeah so we’re looking at a bearish move uh bearish momentum um trend on the in swing price action is bearish so um as I was talking on the overview on the the intros section for the supply and demand we use historical data to map our supply and demand zones so what does that mean like this Zone you see here like back then somewhere back in history that was uh like that was a reaction to this price area this zone so like back then if we moved all the way back there we would see some type of reaction like this even if it was like a bullish move and then we would see some reaction to this area so that’s why price reacted to here um moves pretty fast like leaving the traces the spikes that you see on the market you know so so first thing um how we spot these uh zones on the charts so first of all we’re going to be looking at like flips right so Flip Flip um simply mean that there was like uh a reaction to an area you know so like if if price was going up here you know so each time like price reacts that this is a flip so like there was a flip or reaction and then that Zone failed right so the the same thing happened here so price reacted to the zone and then so the same thing happened here so price reacted to the zone and then it grabbed liquidity on top here which we’re going to be learning on the next section about liquidity inducement and sweeps so it came here and swept this High grab liquidity here which is like grabbing orders to to feel like feel the the big orders here and then at this time here price uh we it grabbed all the orders that it was like sufficient orders to make this move happen right so like we were here we had like a small reaction then we had another reaction and then we had a break so uh what are we looking for when we placing zones so you’re looking for like areas where price reacted and there was a break right if price just came here and uh just came here and broke like this I would delete this on because there wasn’t enough uh like orders and and there was enough like orders here and liquidity for for price like to hold inside here and then react to it so like this wouldn’t be like a a high probability zone for me to have it here okay so continuing here again p uh sorry price pushed down and then it react to this other demand so when we’re like when we are on a bearish um Trend then we are reacting to demand demand demand and when it turn up so we will see like a supply here then maybe we’re going to have a reaction another Supply and so on right so as of right now price uh we would say that Supply is in control why because like we we are in a bearish uh Trend so like Supply is still in control so here right same thing so price came here and reacted to this and the reason because price didn’t um so after the the reaction we had this break below the Zone which means that there wasn’t enough orders here for demand to hold this area and to this for this demand to be respected and push price up again so like PRI we could have like we could even like have reacted to it and price could have come like just inside this Zone here and then we would be like seeing like another move up but instead we had a reaction and there wasn’t enough orders and price couldn’t hold um like this Zone this demand Zone couldn’t hold price and then we had a failure right so we had a flip then a failure so here we had so now now we’re going to start looking at like placing our zones right so first of all here because we had a reaction and then we had like a sweep of liquidity I’ll just place this one here so you guys can see it so we we we haven’t studied the the sweeps yet but I’ll just put it here so when you guys see you next time okay so here right now we have a supply area here oops that color sucks let me just put it okay all right okay right so after we had a reaction P price came here swept this this High then we pushed down so we had a reaction in a break of structure this demand Zone failed so now we have this Supply area Okay so same thing another reaction price was ranging here then we had a break so this demand Zone failed to hold price so like when when when you see me um going over the the analysis and when I said that like demand like this demand wasn’t respected or like it couldn’t hold it’s because there was a break even if it was just like a little a pip here below I would already see this as a failure right so like I would just like ignore this Zone like this is not a Zone I want to be looking at for for Longs anymore okay so again um so we had like this reaction then the break so right now every time so every time that that price made the make the push that breaks structure we’re going to be looking for for the Zone like the Zone here the newest um zones and points of interest it’s where like the big orders were placed that caus price to break the structure or the zones right so here right we we came here to this demand and we were ranging for all this time so like we were collecting orders for all this time but right here so like the all the the all the collection of orders and liquidity price whatever money whatever you want to call it right here we saw that there was an imbalance and you could see the spike in price came from here this point here exactly right it could also have come like come here first and then come here and then you would see the break here and you would mark this as the the the imbalance because this is where the uh we saw the spike coming from so this this is where it originated all right so right here again we would have another Supply area and you can see right like it’s still like now that we learned the market structure you can still see like the push the pull back push pull back push pull back and that’s what I said I don’t remember which which one of the the sections that I said that but like you need to be paying attention where price stopped it wasn’t it wasn’t just like whatever that it stopped right here there was the reason like there was orders money liquidity like institutions large institutions they saw that this was an area that that where was like a lot of orders here that price react to it and like a lot of people would think oh this is going up but remember we are gathering data we’re we’re stacking Confluence like price the swings are are on a bearish move and like even though this could be a chalk right remember so this could be a chalk but remember like stacking confluences this is still on a a swing bearish move okay so later on I’ll I’ll teach you and I’ll will tell you exactly what I mean about this because like you if you remember I was telling you guys that this would be a a chalk right but like there’s the difference between a chalk and a sweep of liquidity and we’re going to see this later so continuing here we had the price um this area here somewhere inside here that was enough orders that push price then we had a break and a failure uh this demand couldn’t hold then we pulled back here right so right here later on we also going to learn that right here we would be looking for like one minute entries or risky entries and then we could take because we saw that price came from here pulled back and then we would look for um for a short on this area Okay so boom again price came here uh it didn’t react to the Zone but it just like it it just reacted sometimes price like it’s going to be that this is a very good example that I just thought of because price will be like like just going up right like price will start moving but like there’s this point there’s this really strong areas where we need to be looking for for these these uh reactions and reversals right like this wasn’t enough order this this this is this was not strong enough to make price reverse right so it just reacted and broke but like let’s say for example here right I put this as a strong zone so let’s say that at this time here this was a very strong Zone which made price give us a chart up right let me grab this guy here so right here we had a chalk okay so chalk here so the same thing right um now what happened because this was chalk now we have this demand a new demand here because price even though this is a uh a fror to structure break to the upside price it broke something right maybe on the lower time frame the 15 minute or one one minute there there would be a reaction here but it doesn’t have to because this is the first push to maybe just come back here remember right we are on the swing bearish move so like this can be like just the daily push and this would be the four hours lower lows lower highs right so here right remember what is the chalk the first signal that price may change so after we saw this here we could see a like a a new demand here I mean we would be uh mapping these as a new demand here because price reacted to to a like a a strong Zone and then we had a uh a change of Direction okay so I I’ll just be marking now the new zones that we found okay the first one is already marked and the second one after price came here right broke pulled back and broke again so now we have another uh Supply area right here because this was already mitigated so if we think about it every time there’s a push and there’s a pullback so like when price comes to uh and enter these zones we call that it was mitigated right so every time like price came here oh it mitigated this this Zone already so like price we made a push pulled back and it mitigated this Supply so what is the new Supply since diesel was already touched mitigated okay so this is the new Supply because it came here and then now it’s making a supply chain all right okay so let me I start playing this let me just change the color of this guy [Music] here okay I’ll just change it to to the green to make it easier to see okay all right guys so I I hope you guys are staying with me and later on I’ll will show you guys what you will be seeing on these areas that made the push so okay so we had the chalk here now we have a a fresh demand Zone which okay so like now we could wait to see if price will come back here if it will react to this if we’re on the the higher time frame maybe the 4 Hour or the 15 then we’re going to then we’re going to go to the lower time frame to see what what’s going to happen if the price will be respected if this demand will hold price to make price go up from here right so let’s say that like we’re on the 4 hours here and then we had a chalk to the upside price came to pull back to this demand and then price um and this this demand held the price okay so after this we came back here so let’s say that um yeah price didn’t get to there price we we had this Zone here but price just came like made a a small reaction here and it just broke boom okay so like what what is uh what what are we going to do here so like there was no reaction there was no flip which like there was no reaction to the zone and price just broke through right so like we’re not going to be using this anymore we can leave this area here if you want but remember right like on the on the higher time frame maybe the daily this this is still a just a big push and price might just be switching to the internal bullish to come pull back remember push pull back so it might just just be like switching to a bullish State inside this just to mitigate a supply Zone to then turn bearish again so let’s continue playing maybe then here we would have now we would have another demand here boom and so this we would have to see because price stopped here right so maybe that was another like demand all the way uh behind but I would also just mark this to make sure that if if like if we’re uh targeting like we entering shorts from here then we would Target this like 4our zone for example right let’s say that we are that we are on the 4our okay so now we have this 4our demand and guys I’m just doing this as I go I didn’t plan how how I’m mapping this um these these zones and the and how price is moving I’m just reacting to what I’m seeing right so like this like I just made it up that price wouldn’t go to all the way up there because sometimes it doesn’t and that’s what I would do like I would just like not even pay attention to this Zone it just uh broke through and there was no reaction so price could come here again or maybe not like price would like just come here make another small remember it can just keep going you know going going going we don’t we’re not going to map like every single higher high that’s not it right we we use like high probable areas where like price like we could see the push and the pullback and price where really like broke structure and like where we really saw the spikes in price that made the the market move okay so here again boom we came back here let’s say there was a a very big push so now if we use the maybe like the the discount and premium price so now um we had ready the push and the the pullback of the daily is finished right so here so we would see like maybe like a daily uh Supply and uh now we we’re seeing the 4our supply so what like what we expecting here that this this last demand would would hold because like let’s say that this was the high let me just put here let’s uh uh let me Mark this as the like let’s say that this was the daily high and this is the daily low right remember so daily High Strong high which would be the strong High here and the the daily low which will be the week low and we know let me put this back and we know that this is the push and that’s the pullback all right so let’s say that this was the last Supply area inside of this swing da move so this is a very high probability area that price should be if if it if price is to continue the the bearish move on The Daily which is the like remember the last uh last section that I was saying like the higher time frame will always be more important than the lower time frame so like let’s say that this was the last Supply area to to to make this uh swing move continue down so this is a very good area for us to look for shorts and start targeting this weak lows here right so let’s say like price came here the 15 minute right so and let’s just Contin on the for hour to make it easier so price came here and then we just like came try to break this Zone again and then price pushed down again and then we would start right like we would we would have a chalk here and then we would start going down again let me just stop here for a second so all right so let’s just cuz I just thought about something so let’s think that let me see if I can can do this cuz I think I messed up so let’s say that price it reacted to this zone right so let’s say that this when price came all the way here before before it broke the supply this there was a reaction right and now we have also let me copy this guy here okay so we would have a demand here now right so like you see guys that the price like continues like this this battle right of between supply and demand it like comes here push boom is like a ping pong and it continues like moving and like going from area to area area to area and that’s how you set up targets that’s how you you you look for reversals that’s how you like you see that price wants to continue because it broke and stuff like that so let’s look at this right so now we had price reacted to this Zone let’s change the example a little bit so now we had another chalk to the downside here right so we had another chalk to the downside so after we had this change of Direction here we can use this new Supply area remember like why do why are we mapping this area here because this was the area where price pushed to break structure which was a fracti structure in this uh this example here but right now we would have like a we would have a fresh Supply so this like that means that this Supply is uh holding so we are stacking the um the confluences right that because price the swing the 4our swing is bearish the daily swing is bearish and now we had like internal uh fra sorry a fractal switch sorry a fractal change of direction to the bearish side so daily bearish 4-Hour swing bear bearish and now we had the 4our uh internal sorry fractal bearish move okay so here again this would be either you could look for later on we’re going to be talking about the strategy but here you could be looking for like a smaller time frame entry inside of this Zone if we saw if you saw reaction or we could wait for the the chalk Force depending how strong this move is so like this would be even more high probability to take trades from here on this fresh Supply because we’re stacking the Confluence like I said all right so okay guys so this is another very good example so now that price came here we had the bearish chalk and everything is aligned to the bearish side right so like so every time now that you see this demands right here here here so that means that these new demands are just going to be reaction points why because like I said everything is bearish so if this is a strong Zone I mean sorry this if this is a strong point and this is a weak point so this should go right so this should be the weak area now like it doesn’t mean that it you need to um you don’t need to like hold you could but you don’t need to hold price that your shorts from all the way up there to all the way down here you could maybe like if you’re if you’re getting in very early and if you have the heart to to hold price all the way and to hold your orders all the way down here maybe you start taking out like half of your position here half your position there there and then your full position here right or if you want you can just uh uh you can just like go out here for like 10 hour because our strategy is super good that would give us like a eight to 10 hours just to this area here I’m just giving you guys an example but you see what I mean right so like but because like price can come here right let’s say you went in a short there price can come here and have a reaction to here you know so like if you’re going on shorts from there to here like it retraced half of your position so let’s say you didn’t close your shorts here so you enter here and then like if you were 10r positive here then you would be like five R positive so like do you have the heart to be holding this position for that long or do you pref preer just to get out here and if there’s another position here you would enter on shorts again and stuff like that right so let’s say okay now because this is a strong uh demand I mean not a strong demand this is like a new demand so we had another reaction came here maybe price just did like a like a m like internal structure then we had the um another push that was just like a a buy to sell area just a small one we came here and then we broke everything again and now we’re done so let me put so this would be like a daily daily uh break let’s see okay guys so you you see like how everything aligns structure with demand and Supply you know like if you if you see it right sometimes let’s say this was creating like a like a flag right let me just put like this and then like let’s say like this there was a lot of like uh liquidity like like orders on top of this like was like it was here right so price would come here sweep this whole thing usually like people that trade the patterns they would enter here and then they would come here like grab all the orders and then go down again so I hope you understand how we map this areas and how it how it it really really really help us to see like why price is reacting to like a zone or why price stopped because if if you’re just marking your like your structure like this like like and if you don’t have any zones like any area that you that to to help you understand why why price is moving the way it moved and and why it reverse from here it makes it so difficult because like just just a price action okay it helps but like looking at this um looking at the zones it makes it so much easier um and like I said like sometimes like you want to enter on the bre let’s say like pattern Traders right sometimes they want to enter on the break on the break of these this equal equal lows here but like price is still like inside of the zone and it didn’t and it was respected right it this was just a a grab of liquidity to the downside and let’s say that um where is it so like like people would enter on the break here and then but like this Zone like still was respected there was not not a break of this zone so so they would enter here price would break the the Eco and then we would have like a change direction to going up you see so you see like how important it is to see reactions to zones to market the structure to like higher time frame structure to lower time frame structure to fractal time frame uh fractal structure you see like how how everything aligns and we we haven’t even got to the liquidity concept which is another very um very important tool so just to finish this this part here we’re going to do like a quick um chart review of as well but just to finish this right so after we had the chalk like Supply was holding we had this change of Direction Supply was holding here we had another push so there would be another Supply area here so like another Supply okay so you see here boom price okay reacted to it just made a uh internal structure it didn’t go all the way up so like we will also learn on the liquidity concept that this is creating like or this is creating liquidity this area is creating like pulls of pulls of orders to later on like price will come like all the way down here to come here to sweep these orders to go down again oh my drawing sucks U but again right because we saw that from here price we had the break boom so this we have another Supply area here so you see every time we see a spike like even if if it if it goes like from here then price came the that was imbalance of orders and price like like spiked from here right that was like a range and price was accumulating orders here and then we had a break so our demand is here uh we had um like a a buy to sell which is going to be like a well let me try to draw this and then we would have another candle like this so this would be be like a wake up and wake down which in this case I did the opposite right it was supposed to be down first and then up but but you got the point so like if we’re going up right if we going up like this like on the lower the higher time frame you would see like this Zone and then on the lower time frame on the 15 you would see like a a range but let let’s jump into this concept right now because I want to show you guys something else all right let me just clean this up okay so remember right so we were looking at the supply and demand zones let me grab this guy here because it’s feeling lonely so like we seeing the supply and demand zones and we and the zones are created when there is imbalance and Spike of orders right here here here we had like a spike here we Spike here we had a spike here okay like you got the point right so let’s jump to the next chart here okay so remember right so like where we see the the spike of orders the imbalance the the push like the the origin the of the push you see like this this very nice well done paint here that I did um so okay so here like when you see the price that spiked then like you’re going to see on the charts mostly in these three ways I think these are the only three ways and uh okay so you’ll see the spikes originated from in uh in for in the form of a single candle which would be this an inside bar which would be like remember like that I showed you guys last time that this is I Side bar is simply like a pullback which like on the higher time frame would look like this in the in the lower time frame it would look like a pullback and then a a break and a buy to sell area Okay so let’s start with the the single candle right so the single candle the the thing that you guys need to to see I mean to learn from this here is that the price that pushed the the zone is created when like the the candle the next candle that pushed it has to break the recent one the previous one okay so you wouldn’t let me grab this box here you wouldn’t grab like the the box here why because this candle didn’t break on top of that one didn’t close on top of that one right so you had to you got to have this the the the candle body closed on top of this right so if you had just a wick here too like this this one didn’t break on top of that so you would have to see like a very nice push like this for for you to create your zone so instead of this one remember let me this is going to look like but so you see like this one didn’t close I mean the the this one did not close on top of that so like this is not the zone so what you going to do is come back here boom so you can see that this candle here it broke and Clos on top of this so I hope you guys understand what I mean and later on also we’re going to be looking at refining zones which we could use let’s say if there was like a a wick here right so we oops what did I do so we could use like just a wck of this Zone okay so and then what like we saw this Spike let’s say right let’s just use this we saw the spike okay no push the pullback and the spike came from here okay and after that we could see a price coming back here right to then give us an entry or a confirmation entry and then we would see the spike again okay okay remember like this this is the zones that we saw on the other charts that are like where where the spikes is originated okay next one this is the very simple one too which is the the inside bar which is like it’s very easy to spot because of the um of the color right I just forgot about something here before I forget remember guys that if we had uh like a a equal High candle here like let’s say that this that was only like this push and this this candle here if you had equal highs on top of this right if like the candle was all the way up here and if it was equal high this was this is an like also uh considered let’s say say that this whole thing here is just one candle sorry I should have wred this before but like if this was just one candle and this was an equal high like the the whole Zone will be like here right because like this candle broke the candle and remember what I what I told you guys on the fractal uh structure mapping that um if like the the the equal equal highs or equal lows is this is the same as like this on the lower time frame you would see like a small pull back and a push okay like this inside bar is pretty easy to spot and remember right same thing that like this is we this is an easier to see uh like price action but sometimes we would see like a range and then and we would see like aide bar here somewhere and then a push and this this would also be the spot if there was one candle one inside bar or even like if we had like a range maybe there was like a a a sell to buy and then this would be the demand okay and last one so so we can finish this let me just grab this guy so this would be our zones okay same thing because like you would see you see more of this type of price action when like the price is moving too fast on I you you spot it’s easier to spot on the higher time frame this type of um buy to sell or sell to buy but like you see that price comes here and close with the wick and then it comes here and um goes all the way down here sorry uh goes all the way down here creating this Zone which on the lower time frame would be like boom boom boom you see like buy to sell um and the opposite will see uh sorry this would be a sell to buy and this would be uh a buy you see going up to sell okay and um and I just drew uh made a this paint here on the Buller side because it’s the exact same if it was on the going down you see if it was on the bearish move the same thing would happen we would have this on here going down the inside bar if it’s going down here comes to break then price could come here and comes to grab more orders inside of this demand and then go down again and the same as the buy to sell okay so I hope you guys understand the concept I think you made it easier for you guys to spot how to map this the the supply and demand zones and then the next video we’re going to just go over a little bit on the on the on the mapping on the charts which is going to make it even easier now that you guys know all of this it’s going to make it easier for you guys to go to the charts and make your analysis and remember guys it’s a it’s a learning block everything every section like from this every every section that we made we put together is a learning block and it was made like from to start from the beginning and now you’re getting more advanced with the supply and demand areas and um and then you’re going to go from there and let on you’ll see okay now I know Market structure I know the trend price action um I know what a flip is and I know how to put the set the the zones the supply zones which will be extremely easier to trade from there okay so on the next video uh we’ll be over going over the charts all right guys so let’s jump on the charts now so now that you saw on with the lights the concept and how to map how to create the the demand and Supply zones so let’s take a look here on the real chart right so okay so let’s start here with the blank chart and we can see that price was M making lower lows remember like this small structure are all like internal and we have the swings so here price didn’t break that so that was still this strong High weak low price broke here again and we had a pullback um then we so this was still the weak low and that was the Strong high after we had the break here so boom okay I’m not going to be uh going all all the way up there cuz like we we’re just going to be focusing on the like more recent price action like that’s how you would if you would start like today doing the analysis like back there it doesn’t matter anymore so after we made the the swing low here after the break of this weak low so this would be the strong High weak low again so price came here tried to break once and it couldn’t went all the way up and then now we had a um a swing low again okay so let me this let me just delete the okay so let’s just start with this most recent price section so let me Mark this as our swing right so just continue with the swing uh the swing lows and the swing highs okay so here price encounter u a very strong demand so if we remember our um our section on chalks so we can remember that this like when we s especially when we have an inside bar which makes it so like so much easier to see so this was a a pullback then we had a fractal break so when we broke this High here we had a a bullish chalk okay okay so so this is a very good sign that we can maybe start like see how how extensive extensive the push is so this could be a very good sign that we could like start to see uh a bigger pullback okay uh so we had uh the first chalk here and uh so but we still right we could so remember like how how do we map the the demand and demand and Supply zones so it’s usually with a single candle or a a buy to sell or sell to buy or like inside bar right so I I want you guys to like think about like how to Mark these zones the same way as the lines remember like we had the push pull back push pull back okay so let me leave this here for a second so like when you’re marking like remember that the next candle like the the push came from this Zone here this area correct but like remember that the next candle where the push was like you see like the push from here so like this candle let me zoom in a little more so the the candle like this next candle has to break below the previous candle which would be this so like if we mark this for example right you can see that uh let me Mark this you can see that this next candle didn’t close below this candle so like then we move to the next candle okay so now this candle it closed below this candle all right so like when I was talking about like this line here remember that like about the waves of the market you know like the structure how it moves okay so like even though if it’s a small I mean internal or like fractal we got to see we got to see the the movements of the market right so like you can see here like we had a pullback and then we had a break so like if you were to um to Mark a Zone here right let’s say here you wouldn’t leave this the the the highest area here like without like a marking right without covering cuz you always like cuz you think because you know right there was a push a pullback after we had a a a break of this low here so that was our most recent high so like so what I mean is like you don’t want even though let’s say this this this one had break below here right like this one but you don’t want to just Mark like this and leave the wick above so like when you mark the candle make sure that you always covering the high of the candle no matter what okay um so let’s continue let me delete this okay right so we are still on on on a daily bearish move so let me also Mark that this okay let me Mark this as okay so this is our daily strong remember the this was the daily strong there this was the daily strong when we had this push the pullback now when we had the break here the pullback and the and the the candle body Clos below this low now the next uh strong point is this okay so so far we are still on a daily bearish Trend okay so like how can we map the other zones on this move so like the first one would be here the most like the nearest point to this to this move would be here so like if since since we are already on a on a daily bearish move we could be taking shorts from here right but like but but remember that we we we reached a very strong daily demand and price is respecting this so far because we had the first signal that we might start pulling back deeper okay so let’s see this one so like like see see this one here right so this one here price came to mitigate it the here right like when it pull back it mitigated cuz you can see there that it it broke the I mean not broke it pulled back to inside that box which was this this whole candle area here so like sometimes price uh just since we were talking about this um the the mapping of the zones is not very straightforward like that I think with uh you you’re going to see why but with time and experience you’re like with time with that experience you’re going to be able to refine your zones and know when to refine and know where to live like the whole candles like this so um let’s uh I’m just going to go over like the the basics because like refinement it’s a little trickier because like I said like price uh is not like straightforward like that it doesn’t really um move like perfectly so the market is always like doing like some uh what what he wants like I said before so so in this case we we had like uh a reaction to a Zone here then we pulled back to this daily Supply so this the most uh the most uh probable area for sharts would be here if this holds because but remember that we mitigated the Demand right okay so let’s keep playing the next one would be all the way up here right so you see that this one didn’t mitigate that like even though we could also have this Zone there there because this is a a buy to sell so let’s just leave this for a second and see what price is going to do boom okay we reacted so here we had like we had a b a bullish chalk and now we had a bearish chalk so let’s keep playing to see what’s going to happen I’m just going to start here with the daily so you guys can have the overall idea like how to Mark the zones then we’re going to be jumping to the a lower time frame okay so let’s continue so price we had a a bullish chalk to come remember like when we had the when we have the chalk let just like it’s not going to be very visible but let me Mark the daily chalk here where is it okay all right da chalk right um same thing like this would be the candle that we would Mark for the daily but remember that like here it came all the way down so we could just like cover this whole candle right because like even though like this candle it like this this candle broke above this but you see that there was a a sell to buy so we could refine it just to the to the body and the wick the lowest point and you’ll see later on also because I’m going to be show you guys that think about like zones inside zones right so like this would be like the largest area because it’s the daily inside the inside the daily this sell to buy here we’re going to have another maybe another daily here I mean another 4 hour here or maybe another 4 Hour there so like that’s why M to time frame analysis uh is so important because it makes us like see the the market and how everything is reacting a lot more clear and another thing thing that you guys need to keep in mind is what I said about the chass so like the charts and train is kind of Chess so it’s like demand against the uh demand against the supply and it’s it’s this constant battle you see like if price comes here try to mitigate something then it push come here so like you can see that it mitigated this then it push come here mitigate then it comes here now it reacts because it stopped here so it it continues moving from Zone to zone right so when we when we add uh the market structure which is like the transs and lower lows lower highs and higher highs higher lows with the the zones demand and Supply it makes it super easy for us to see what’s going on okay so after this chalk here to the downside let’s see let’s just remove that one that’s fine so we had a chalk here to the Downs side right but remember because we had a first or bullish chalk here so this move here could be just to mitigate something here so like if I was trading this I would say like that price is kind of uh it’s kind of stuck in between uh supply and demand by the way this D it means daily not demand um so price is kind of stuck between supply and demand so like we could have just had this bearish chock to mitigate this but I could still uh look for Longs from here and shs from there since like we had we have like a a lot of space to trade from but let’s continue here on the daily now that we had the the bearish move here we could just um mark this guy so let’s continue okay okay so these are now our new fresh or like see here like this cand is a little higher than that so like even though this is the candle like this um this one this candle the orange candle doesn’t break below this one so this would be the candle the orange you could use all this like everything here but like you can just refine it to the body and then make sure that you cover that high BEC because sometimes price can come just to like very close to this but still not break the demand the supply and then go back here so let’s play this okay boom okay so now we broke to the upside but remember we still uh we still on The Daily swing bearish because that was that is still our Strong high let’s see what’s going to happen you see again we came to mitigate like this area here later on I like I’ll be going over like a in a little more detail how you refine you know because like I said like this is a huge candle right even though that let me see let me put price here so you see like there was a reaction to that area there we had a pull back and then we had a push and then like this this candle it it breaks this candle breaks above that candle but we saw that we mitigate here with this other candle right because like it comes here and then like price comes all the way down here even though it’s just one move like you don’t like when you see that price came like uh and there’s a candle in front of it like before the push so like you mark the whole on you could even like if you don’t want to if you don’t want to refine the candle to make it safer you could just like Mark this whole thing here you see it still works because it’s still like you could Mark like this because we’re going to still drop the lower time frame let’s see what happens on the far hour here so like you could still go to the lower time frame and we would probably be have you see like this far hour here because we had a pullback and a push so this would be a 4 Hour okay so 4 Hour there another 4our here and see how price just R reacts to this like extreme demand zone of the 4our so like price came here uh mitigated something side there and then we had a break it broke the daily Supply which was that box remember that we had the D there the daily it came there and then it pulled back to inside the daily Zone which we had the 4our uh demand here and the farm demand here but be like you see we could also have you see like the refinement like see what I mean like so it’s mostly if if you’re targeting like let’s say you’re targeting to uh enter a trade let’s say you enter on a on a on a a short here right so like if you’re targeting somewhere it’s better to not refine it and like I would go out here because like sometimes like you can see that price already mitigated that let me just change I hope you guys are understanding like what I mean about refinement it’s just like instead of using the whole candle you refine to the body or sometimes even like the top the the the lower part here but you saw that this part all also came down there so I would just like Mark like that and as you can see you see we had a small reaction even though it was a small it’s still a reaction but in this case it didn’t matter because price just broke through so you could just like leave it like that right and if we read B um if we read price action it just came here so before it broke this High it came here pulled back and then it pushed so this was the last place before the push the spike okay so that like that means that was a lot of orders here that made this push go up there okay so let’s just continue guys that was just like a an example like how you guys can drop from the daily to the 4 Hour and even more like you could refine into that Wick okay so let’s continue like I said that’s why I said that uh like even the refinement of the zones is going to come with experience because you you guys will continue seeing over and over and uh you see like oh price re is reacting to something okay so it doesn’t want to come all the way here cuz this is too much refinement like oh but it could be instead of the whole candle it could just have come here to the body right okay so let’s see see continue playing okay so let’s see what happened there so price didn’t react to this buy to sell so we can just delete this one and let’s refine let’s change it to to the top remember like remember to use the magnet because it kind of sticks to the top of the the price so you see that the orange one is lower than the the Y one so you drag to the top there to make sure right that you you you cover the whole high of this move okay so here right we had a reaction with a remember what a what a the the orange inside bar means that was just a pull back pull to then we had the move okay so now that price broke this high now we have this as our strong low okay now we have that like this okay again right like push pull back push try to break here couldn’t it’s still but like it had to break that high to make the move up but it just came here to mitigate this and then boom another good uh example here that it’s not just because price like failed to break on the first time here that it’s going to go up there so like right here right after we had this break we would have this uh daily Zone and like see where he where he went and stopped so he respected this daily Zone and continue and you see like that like even later on it continues to do like a supply chain and only here we had the break up so you see like how like just by marking the zones it makes it so much easier to understand why price stopped here came back right so okay so now that we had the the swing daily which bullish so like where do we Mark now okay so we have this extremum one here so this extreme demand because it’s following all of this demand this was the last point where price broke so this would be the extreme demand okay so extreme demand and then now we would have this other demand okay remember another very good example so instead of just cover even though that this candle broke on top of this like you always need to cover the low as well so like it would look like that okay boom so and also what do you see because this came back here and pull back up I mean the pull back and then it broke the the supply so right now after this move here we would now Mark this as a failed Supply because it couldn’t hold price correct just going to mark it like you see also that how how we use like historical data to analyze and uh and keep our like I’m just going to be marking this because this all Mak sense to to Mark remember Supply this was the price that pushed before this move here we had a pull back and then we had the push so right now I would be looking at this I could also be looking at this buy to sell area you see there but let’s see how price will react first because I can always mark this later okay so let’s continue here because we’re we’re now on a swing bullish move and after the the breakout structure which was here to the upside we can expect maybe a pullback so it depends like how deep the pullback will be see boom boom boom okay so like how deep the the pullback will be will depend on how how strong is the trend because sometimes it can just come here and continue going up you see but like let’s play it forward I forgot let’s mark this guy and again right this the sell to buy era here on the daily will be something on the 4 Hour will be like uh like a small push and a pull back then we had the push again we would have the 4 Hour there let’s see so this is like even more probability now that because price broke this Supply this Supply and this Supply if it only breaks like with a little Pip above like I would already see this as a failed Supply both of these ones now right okay so right now okay so price like barely touched that one let me see sometimes you can just remember to use the the old I always forget the name of these guys o hlc values so like if you right click on this on the on this name here it’s going to open the these values which you can see like the high of the candle it’s going to be displayed here and like let’s see the high of that candle is 0222 and the low of this candle is 0227 oh sorry about that let me use this be easier 0220 so yeah it it didn’t really like mitigate it it didn’t got to there let’s see on the lower time frame what happened yeah so you you can also see on the lower time frame that there was a a buy to sell on there you see and it just like I think it mitigated so that was the high 022 I’m just looking at the price here 02232 and 0227 you see like it it did mitigate this sell to buy area instead of going to the nearest Point here which would be this side barar okay like let’s just keep playing because this is just to get you guys an idea like how price move it doesn’t need to come all the way here or here especially because it just switch to a bullish State and remember like when we see okay this was our swing now you can mark this as a swing as well and now you can have that as our strong low boom okay again we had this we can mark this as our new demand chain so because price came here to me get this and we had that [Music] da and again right so like we had a small mitigation here but I would probably just like Mark mark this low part okay so instead of the whole handle because they already mitigated but this is the same concept of the discount and premium right so like you don’t want to buy like too high like this after a break you want to wait until price comes to a um comes to a discount area so you can buy at a better price okay so now we are getting to this daily Supply there let’s see what happened price broke again okay same thing right now that we broke so even though that like we had this push here right so even though that this candle like this candle breaks above this but you see that there was a pullback that mitigated all this area so I would probably just use this this candle here because this was like the lowest point of the pull back that push priced up and it doesn’t mean that price is that it can’t just come all the way down here right so I would just leave this there and uh we can continue looking at Price section so I’m just I’m going to try to go a little faster so but I hope you guys are understanding the concept you see now that we had another mitigation of this uh this daily Supply here so you see remember like the concept we use historical data to analyze what’s going on right now in the present okay so let’s continue okay let’s go to the 4 Hour so it’s kind of sideways yeah you see like this was in December um December was very choppy like this was a like a recent we are in February so this was December and I remember that was kind of chopping that the whole month so we still have the this whole daily demand here that we just marked and uh we have this 4our diid right here let me Mark this as the far the m so you see like I wouldn’t do anything here because it’s just like it’s not doing anything it’s kind of stuck let me see what happens there yeah we we haven’t had enough uh of a pullback to mark this as our as our swing High yet so we still we had this the push pull back and another push so let’s jump to the 4 Hour and see what’s going on we have this demand here that hasn’t been mitigated yet boom so let’s continue pushing yeah you see see there price uh kind of we try to break this High here of the the recent daily that would be there let me see if we can see something yeah so like we we came here very choppy right so like price was just accumulating uh orders and then we had a reaction to this 4H hour remember that even though this is a like I would be marking all this but there’s no need because it was kind of just sideways and this would be the extreme so like when price is like this you stay out of the middle and you you trade from the extremes which like the most the highest probability to continue a high from here would be this extreme area here and that we we we hadn’t um mitigated that area yet okay so again we had this right now right so price broke below there so we would have first this 4 Hour remember that price is still inside of this daily which is this one here I’m just going to drag this down um and they respected because it couldn’t break this High here so we still inside of that daily Supply price came here tried to break that high again it couldn’t and then we pushed back down and another thing is that you can see that we had a mitigation there let me use the Straight AR like you see we had a mitigation of this little guy and then like price push from here we had a mitigation here okay so like where did price like came from from all the way up here so that’s why I mark this this demand Oops why is it not working let me see that’s why I marked this as the demand but as you can see now price has broken the demand so we could possibly see price pulling back here to maybe continue down or maybe like remember that these was our daily extreme but I can mark this instead with a like a 4H Hour 4 hour to make it easier and cleaner on the chart so this will will be our 4our demand okay so that was the daily there remember that we still this is are still our daily strong and we are on this move here boom see like how here we had like a better push and then on the daily we would see like this push okay so okay so we are training between this low which are strong low and now that high which was the weak high on the daily okay but price still has um respected the the demand I mean the Supply so let’s see what’s going to happen let’s push a little like after push like this you know we you want to wait to see price come back into this Supply or maybe coming back to this demand here since we’re already broke down here okay so let’s keep pushing okay we didn’t go up all the way up there but we still have that forour here unmitigated right cuz we didn’t see any price action go back down here okay so oh wait I think I missed something so I played it too fast so let’s see what happened here okay so let’s drop to the 15 minute which is our which is our like the it’s the it’s the main time frame where we looking like for high probability places to take trade so right now we wouldn’t be doing anything until now right now that we touch the 4our demand so let me just go back here okay so guys like remember like we we could have a a chalk down here now we had a chu but like still like look at the waves look at the waves of price like we still on this bullish move right so like now we we didn’t respect this this demand Zone which which is here this one so price came here it’s a little harder with the bar replay because you can really see like in real time but we we had this 4 hour here remember so we had this 4 hour and this for hour which was the daily as well and now price is reacting to this so if we think about the fractal okay the fractal of the market remember like the fractal structure is just a little pause so we had a pullback here a break and now we have a chalk on to the upside so we had a a daily chalk let me see daily chalk here ohop sorry 4our chalk that’s why sorry sorry guys 4our chalk so now we had the 4our chalk to the upside of course why it’s not working let me try this again far hour Char dark okay all right okay so here right so we got to that 4our demand that was mitigated we had now uh a 4H hour bullish chalk the swing is bullish and um and we now we are rejecting this super um I mean I wouldn’t say super strong but since it was like all the way down here of this move and uh our like even like just by looking now I didn’t see this before but just by looking at this now our swing for hour are also bullish so let me see boss right and then we had we still okay so we had this Push Pull back push again all of this doesn’t matter until like the the swing is still bullish because price H hasn’t broke this low yet so let me see if I have the so we still have this as our strong 4our low which will be that okay so we are still inside of Swing uh bullish okay so swing bullish daily bullish even though we had u a a a failure to close above this but remember what I told you guys a couple minutes ago that we can still like have a first reaction come back miate something and still continue up so right now that we had this 4our chalk we could maybe go look for a trade on the 15 so let’s see here let me let me since this is a little faster let me also like play this on the on the 15 so we can see what’s going on yeah you see like our our chalk on the the far which already happen would be up there like right there okay because uh let me see so we had yeah this swing so gu so we had this super like strong push here and then we had the the bearish boss and now we had the reaction we saw on the 4 Hour and also we had this like bullish move bullish chalk which it’s very hard to see because it was this one here like remember the fractal we came here boom then we pushed down so which one is the nearest point for a bullish chock it would be here okay so we also had another um bullish chock so I don’t enter on the 15 but like later on maybe I can introduce you guys to like to take more like swing trades but I would take like a maybe one minute um entry here so let’s see I think the one minute would be better but even if you wanted to put your stop here yeah too big of a stop so I’ll probably be looking at the one minute but let’s just put it here just to see what’s going on if you maybe want to take the the swing B okay so we could probably let me look there yeah you see it already happened but like we we would have this daily I mean this 4our Supply and that 4our Supply you see remember guys daily swing bullish 4our swing bullish this is our strong 4our and then we had the 4our chalk bullish and the 15 minute chalk bullish so you cannot get any better than that so if you’re if you’re taking trades you could take like some partials maybe inside like you see like there’s a 15 minute here which you can Mark you see like how it Stacks up one on top of the other and um there’s another one here this is a very choppy so just so you guys can have an idea so if you wanted to be safer you could take even with this crazy stop here uh we usually have like a five six Pips stop this 20 you would have a 4.3 Tod Zone and like if you wanted to maybe take 50% of your of your trade here and then like maybe push a little further to this um to this other 4our Supply which uh yeah this is a very probable area because price might just push up again but it’s safer for you guys at least to Target this here and uh let’s see so let’s see let’s just play on the yeah this was very it typically does don’t move like this so yeah but again guys uh if you if you wanted to be safer you could just like measure um get out here for this target or if you could you want to push a little more you could come to here all right okay guys so I hope you guys get the point in the concept of the demand and Supply this was a little extended but I’m trying to do like larger videos for the practice and not like 10 small videos because that makes it harder for you to understand so I hope you guys have the patience to uh to to learn and to be like listening to these videos because the whole concept is around this um this method that I use okay so remember like practice this practice like mapping your 15 minutes zones inside of the 4our and the 4our zones inside of the daily zones you see like daily here and you can even like come here to like make sure that you have the right Zone here so like 4 Hour daily another 4 hour here 4 Hour okay all right guys so again if you have any question just leave a comment on the the video section and I’ll go over with you guys in more detail if you need thank you so [Music] much so what’s liquidity Market liquidity is defined as how easy it is to buy or sell on an item without causing a drastic changing price something that can be bought or sold quickly and somewhat easy and for fair prices would be considered liquid so without liquidity orders can be matched between buyers and sellers meaning there has to be a seller at a certain price for that order to be filled at that price so as we talked earlier large institutions need to F their massive orders so they’re constantly seeking liquidity in the market liquidity is basically a pool of orders resting at a specific price level waiting to be filled there are many Forex coaches that don’t put much thought into liquidity I just don’t get it not understanding liquidity is the same as not knowing Market structure and it’s the reason why retail Traders lose so much money in Forex my trading strategy is all based on liquidity and I only became profitable on my trade after fully understanding the concept so it doesn’t matter if you’re trading stocks Forex buying houses or selling fidget Spinners at the end of the hype when everyone is doing something it’s a signal that the money is stepping in Warren Buffett once said be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful our concept is is called smart money mostly because we understand liquidity simply put if you can’t spot liquidity on your charts you’re basically being used as liquidity to fill someone else’s order so after learning this concept you realize why most breaking retest pattern strategies don’t [Music] work as the market move and structure created the price is also creating this pool of liquid liquidity to be filled so you’ll be able to spot these liquidity areas by looking at swing structure equals highs and lows as price chains are formed Etc so behind or above these forms of structures there will most likely be orders waiting to be filled so if we think about it these patterns are creating the market to lure people to place their stops at specific places and to F those pools of liquidity that’s why when price gets to those levels the orders will be filled creating the spikes in price as we map our Market structure and find our supply and demand zones we also need to be spotting these liquidity areas and there are two main ways in which we can do that by using inducement or sweeps of liquidity so inducement works as a magnet of price as the market structure is formed the price will leave these induced areas behind to then later come back to fill those orders it even seems seems like it’s telling you where to look to find these high probability zones The Sweep of liquidity is the act of taking the liquidity so the price can sweep the liquidity of an induced zone or sweep the Zone itself in order to grab liquidity we can then use this swept area as a Confluence when choosing our high probability zones to trade from together with the other tools we have learned in this class inducement and sweep will also be one of the main confluences we use to take trades we will go over this concept in more detail in our trading strategy section hello everyone again so let’s continue with our uh learning sections and this is one of the most interesting and valuable parts of our trading strategy on Smart money this so in this video we’re going to be looking at liquidity so I’m going to be teaching you guys everything about liquidity and how I see the market and how we hear from our team we see um liquidity and how to spot it and how we we can um map map the charts to look for liquidity and so let’s start right so so if you guys just to make it simple for you guys so because we can go only known about how the large institutions I think we went over that a lot on our course already but uh as you remember before um I I was I was always talking about how large institutions are the ones that move the market and they are always looking for liquidity because they have these huge orders and they need a massive amount of orders to make the the market move correct correct so like they need to F these orders using liquidity in the market so if you think about that um so liquidity simply means like orders resting pools of orders resting the market you know and uh that can f the price uh of these orders so the larger institutions can f their orders then they can buy and and since the the Forex Market is so liquid um it has like so much money it there’s like trillions of dollars traded every day uh so they need to make the market move using like whatever is available right in terms of liquidity in the market so let’s just like give I’m just going to give you guys some examples of how we can see liquidity right okay so when we are trying to spot these areas of liquidity there are two main ways that we use um to map it and to kind of like identify these areas so like these two ways we called uh inducement right and then sweep of liquidity did I spell it right oh yeah okay I’m just going to put this thing here so you guys can remember let me let me give a like space maybe like down here okay so inducement and sweep liquidity so let me let me just tell you guys how like sweep the inducement works first so the inducement is like it’s when price creates the structure and it like as it continues moving and moving moving it creates the inducement so it’s inducing like people or the the orders or the price to come down here right so it’s like a magnet it’s like telling you like look at this you like you see all these arrows here like look at this area look like look what’s going on here you know sometimes like we’re going to see like price like making like higher highs like this coming here making inducement going back there and coming here and going up so like this area here was inducing this demand so like so price could come here to then continue up so let me so yeah that that’s how it works like so in the inducement um so one of the the ways like usually the it’s like I said the one of the main ways you’re going to see like the inducement it’s when you see like price like let’s say let me just draw this guy here again I didn’t do a good job with the drawing right so we’re going to have like a a demand here right so you would see like a candle like a demand down here so instead of price coming down here to mitigate this area it would create inducement here I go again with this it would create inducement to this area below so when price breaks again like some like people that don’t look at inducement they would be taking like Longs from here because it’s higher high right so they would take Longs from here instead of looking at the inducement of this area below okay so this is one of the examples we can look at uh so right here so like if I was trading and analyzing the market so right away because I’m looking at this demand chain I would already place my like the the mapping that’s what I use the the little money sign to show me that um that there was inducement to this area so I wouldn’t be taking any trades here because there was no liquidity taken here you see so like I would expect price to come all the way down here first to then continue the price okay so let’s continue um here correct so we saw like when price when we fil when price came all the way down here to this demand that was induced so we had this huge Spike of price because here that was all the PO uh the orders resting and it was all filled making the price move so like we came here we had a push we had a pullback another push so this would be like a fractal break and then like this would be a chalk so I I want you guys to remember I don’t I don’t know if you guys remember but when I said sometimes they’re like what but what seems like a chalk it can be a sweep of liquidity right so like because we’re still on a bullish move so even though the price came here like we had a a fractal break to the upside and then a so this would be after this break here right so this would be like a push a pullback and a push so this would be the nearest low so here would be the fractal uh fractal bearish chalk so instead price we would because of the the the fractor break we would have our uh demand here correct but because there was no inducement remember like I showed you guys like there was no inducement to this area here so like because there was no inducement to this area like here right to price come to take uh the the liquidity it used the low of this move as um to sweep the liquidity so in this case there was no inducement and price there was no sweep of liquidity so the The Sweep liquidity is the act of like sweeping the like grabbing the liquidity if I can say better so like right here I would I use another there another line to this kind of move just to show that price will swept here so I would use this former sweep okay so like just to show that price that was that was a reason why price broke this demand was just to get the arst below here to fill the orders to continue up so we’re going to be looking at like uh risk entries and confirmations entries so that’s why like when we are looking to enter shorts from from a counter Trend because this is a bullish move we want to wait for like let’s say if this could could have been a a chalk too so that’s what I want you guys to understand too right so we could have have price come here and then we we could have like had another uh push down to continue here and maybe continue up so this could have been a chalk as well so but instead of just entering um with the risk entry here we would just like like wait for a confirmation that this area is holding to then take the short like from there but that’s going to be on the next lesson that we’re going to be uh learning about structure I mean uh entries okay guys so first right just going over this again inducement is the like price is creating this pattern or anything like this pattern or any move to induce the price the movement to come here to grab the orders again to then continue a move if it this going if this was like a bearish move the same thing okay so now we had because price came here we had a a bearish uh break of structure and we still push up again right so because this if this was a chalk we would have this and a push down but instead price came here and instead of um we respecting the supply that was created uh the supply that was created with the fractal structure which would be here right so when we had a CH we have a chalk we now we would have a supply here but we can see that price did not uh respect the supply area that was created and then we had a break of this area so now we can be certain that this was a sweep so like if I just saw this happen on the first time I could just like uh mark this as a chalk and then so like because I would wait for a confirmation here to see if this area would hold but like I saw that this didn’t hold so if I see a break of these highs here just by Little Pip I would already like Mark this as a sweep okay all right so let’s continue I’ll just leave this here so you guys can um look later or have as an example so you can see that this would be like inducement to this area below okay so again right here same thing so like if we think about people that that trade patterns right like this could be uh like a like a flag right a flag maybe like like this so because like we had like this push boom second push boom so I say this because I’ve I have traded this way before which like it was a nightmare but uh now you can see right so if you if you traded or patterns or traded if you still trade patterns and you’re learning this new way I don’t want you to get offended by any means I’m just going to just showing based on my experience okay so like this would be a flag but with our strategy we know that there’s price that’s price resting here because of this equal highs and there’s price resting here because of these eal lows okay so just like like just to keep an eyes on this right so like if you trade or used to trade pattern trading this on you would be entering on the break of this flag here so but because like many this of the the pattern chairs they don’t use Supply in the man they wouldn’t know that when here on the break there was already there was the the price was creating inducement right with this equal highs to come mitigate this this extreme Supply area here so like you just got so like this was just to learn people to be on the wrong side of the market so they they create this patterns to say like oh look there’s resistance here so like you like if there’s a break you can just enter but you can see that like after you enter like let’s say you would have like a stop here and maybe like you would have your stop below that you know like that that wouldn’t even be like a one to one look at that like maybe it would be like oh you would wait for I don’t know what your rules for breaking even would be but that would be already a loss okay so look at that or maybe even like this all right so this is a good example I’m going to show you the example like this exact pattern on another chart later on or I think or maybe I will just show this before I I start this course I mean this section so I’ll will decide later but anyways let’s continue here so now that we know that this is equal highs and equal lows right so we know that this equal highs here are just creating DeMent to this area to this Supply so so we see that when price comes and mitigate this Supply it like it fill all the orders it needed and then we had a chalk right so we had a chalk here and uh so the same thing right I don’t know some people might have a a rule that if the flag fails here right so like if if we fail to um let if if we fail to go long here right we would have like an entry here right and we would go long so like if it fails to to go long here no now I’m going to go short because that failed right so maybe maybe I don’t know like you would if you had another structure here you would you could probably enter short with a let’s say with the with the stops below I mean above some type of structure here on the lower time frame you probably would get another loss because oh what happened you know like because I I got a loss here I thought it would go up I mean uh I thought it would go up and then it went down I thought it would end down and I got another loss so this but now that we know about the chalk and like Supply liquidity so we would see that okay now we had a real chalk here let me just mark this guy so now we had a real chalk where is that boom okay right so first thing that price like wants to um continue maybe down we don’t know yet okay so we had the first chalk right we would wait because we had the so this was the push right the pullback the push again but because this was the because that was this uh internal I mean the internal of the internal structure here so this would be the nearest low of this push so our our chalk change of character would be right here okay so now when we have a chalk or a break of a fractal to the be side then we would have a new Supply area here because like the reason there was a p there so there was enough price here that made this push down so probably there’s a like a level a price level here where we can’t be looking for shorts okay so now like with our strategy we would like look for an a confirmation entry here and we could probably even like just take like a a short all the way to this demand for a 6 to1 now because we don’t want to be like entering on the break or the break we wait to to buy on a on a premium price I mean sell on a premium price because we want to wait we don’t want to like this price already happened right so we want to wait to to come to a very good area of Sals so we can enter with like a small stop and then Target the next structure correct so I hope you guys are are like seeing what I mean right okay so let’s continue here so now that again right so let’s say that oh no now this is going down because we rejected and people are think that it’s going down but we know right we are following structure and we know that this area was already let me just change this guy here so we know that this area was already swept so like price already tried to break this these lows and we couldn’t break and we just had a sweep of liquidity of these lows here let me see if I can just put in so let’s see I’ll just put like a okay I should make it this bigger sorry guys I just always try to make this this looks like let me just delete okay so like we know that price already swept this and um we don’t so already we already triy to break this below so like we now we have another like a higher probability like place that if we we might want to continue the move up and because we already uh we already swept this area so this could be an area that we could be looking for Longs now to continue right you see like the swing of the Swing moves let me change the so so if we think about like the swing right remember the first section that we studied the swing moves of the market boom okay to continue up all right so let me just delete this so you guys already know this you guys are already professional so you don’t need this anymore so now we took a short right all the way from the top there we know about liquidity we waited for price to come back for to like a very good area for sells then because we know that this was just a counter trend uh and price is still bullish on the the swing time frame I mean the swing structure so we we know that price might just bounce here to continue up so what are we going to do we’re going to um of course this is going to play right let just uh so like knowing that like what we going to do we know that we can already like Target these shorts here for a quick six six RS 6 to1 very good like you don’t see this every day with with like uh just regular strategies six 6 to1 like just on a counter Trend and then we can be looking for like a one minute even like a just like a one minute entry remember I say I told you guys that we look at uh the one minute for entries so we could be looking at the one minute uh time frame to look for an ENT here already because we already know that this area was already swept right but like we don’t want to be taking risk risk entries here we’re going to learn this later sorry about mentioning this to you guys but like we like it’s the it’s just like the the confirmation is just like we need to see that this area wants to hold but because we had the sweep there’s already a very possibility that this might hold so like we would take another let’s say like we would wait for uh confirmation here to then go up then we would take another um let me I would let’s say I would even enter on the 15 minute okay with the stops below here somewhere and then we could even like we could even get out here of this because we know this is a weak low right the weak low strong strong low I mean sorry guys this would be the strong low and that’s the weak high so we could we know that it’s most most probable that price will just break through these highs so we could even like get like 50% off of our trade 80% off right or like just get out for 8 hour here or 8.5 or something like that you know or just like get out for like 80% and let 20% 30% like go for to the moon so all right guys so this is the concept um this is super important I I think like this is one was one of the the most important things that I learned with this strategy and uh this helped me a lot to understand like market movement why why am I always getting burned and always getting stopped out on these trades because like I was because you got to stack everything on top of the other because like how many times were you were you um right about the the direction of the market right like how many times you were right that that it was making higher highs and it was like it was going up but every time like you were getting stopped out before the move so like you would come try to enter uh on a break and then you would get stopped out and then would price would go you would try to enter a short here then price would sweep you and then go again and now that I remember another example here right so that’s another thing like since price just going back to this example because I remember another thing that I wanted to mention so like since price already mitigated this demand that had the sweep you don’t want to be looking for shorts again from this right right because remember so after we had this first fractor break we would get a supply here okay so again when we had another uh break of this low so now we would have another Supply area here correct but because this is is creating a supply chain like this came here like uh he mitigated like a a supply somewhere inside here it broke down it came here mitigated this and now we would have another Supply area here but again guys like we know that price already did this like already completed the move so we don’t want to take another uh short from here right so we don’t want to be Tak another short let me delete this guy cuz it’s kind of pissing me off um so you don’t want to be take another chart from here because we know that the overall structure is bullish unless we would get a break let me delete this unless because like we already saw we had a sweep of this zone so like the the the job of this price action here was already completed okay so if price comes here and then break this demand we could possibly look for another let me see how I can do this now so we could already kind of see like something like that because like this were already this area was already swept so why did price break this area you know so like now this is gone so like it had sweep the demand didn’t didn’t hold so probably price can wants just to like make a like a deeper pullback and maybe come here and then continue up or maybe just die out from here so but we know that because price failed here this demand failed to hold price then we could continue with the supply chain and like uh look for another enter here and then we can take the the sharts again all right so let me just show you guys some examples on the real charts that I have open here before we finish this section uh let me see this is like today so like this is happening I I was just looking at some some of the areas I marked here later on the week and the on the month um so like I usually I usually like delete like old old uh mapping because it kind of slows down the the chart depending on how much uh zones you have but we can like look here super quick on this price action so here we we were on the bullish swing move so everything inside here was just uh internal structure as you can see with the the orange dots okay so here right we tried to break the high we couldn’t then price came here so it was supposed to um to continue this internal Move It was supposed to um to respect like some of the demands that we had here sorry guys I already delete some of this let me see if I can grab a like just say uh a demand area here so probably like something like this let me see I’m just looking at this now so hopefully I’m not going to make any mistake but you see here right so we’re already like tried it once to break that came down here now we had the break with the clo the body closure on top here so we had this strong low weak High strong low uh this was supposed the weak to supposed to be the weak high but then we this was the first sign you can see there that we we had induc where’s the line so we had inducement to this area below here uh where is this so we had inducement to this area below here so price just came here M uh mitigated reacted came here that was volatility there was probably something like news or something that price came all the way up there and then but we had already remember what I just told you guys about the the break right like it already broke so the job of this inducement was to to for was for price to come here to to come here to mitigate this Demand right because we had indement here so since price this demand couldn’t hold and there was a break down here so we went all the way up there and we Contin down you see like that’s why we could you see they some like the real the just the example that I just showed you here so price broke here came all the way up there to mitigate this supply chain and then continue down so we could be looking for entries on this this 15 minute here all all right so just one example uh this is a little choppy because like overall you can see it’s kind of sideways but we still we have a lot of room to to trade inside of here just knowing that we we are on the bullish move again so now like we saw inducement so but price just broke through why because there was like a failure to to break on top of there okay so like when you see a failure to break like a major Point like in the market we you could already expect that probably he wants to pull back a little more like before continue up so um it didn’t respect this demand so we had the mitigation of the supply and then we had the internal structure turn bearish we had a like you see like push pull back the internal of the internal kind of uh turn bearish here somewhere then we waited for a pull back again guys this will be it’s like a Ultra I’m I’m just giving some examples but there’s nothing better than practice like I can spend hours and hours here in one day you guys going to burn out but this is this will be with the daily analysis we’re going to be doing every single day this is like as a Trader this is something you’ll do every single day of your trading life so don’t worry you’re going to have enough practice like in the beginning I didn’t know about this either but as as more as you as more that you do your analysis the better you’re going to become okay so like another example here here remember the this was inducement to this area so like before you you can see that this let me try to hide this you can see that here we we had um so like we came here we had a pullback we had a push price came reacted to here to this demand and then we had a chalk here boom chalk so when we had a chalk we had this little pull back here you can see remember what what the what is the the internal how do you say the inside bar means it it just means that like even like on the lower even lower time frame it’s making like a pullback so like we had like a small chalk here price pushed pull back but you can see that the pullback did not not mitigated this extreme candle right so like you can see that got really close if it like there’s there’s a rule I have for me if it’s the same pip if if if price here right let’s say it’s 100 just to give like an example if this like pulls back to 100 and this low of this candle was 100 100 this is not a mitigation for me so like this this pullback here would have to at least go to 101 and then push down so that would be a mitigation if it’s a 100 on this lower number here and 100 on this higher number here this is not a mitigation and this one didn’t even uh like got to there it would probably be like a 95 I’m just giving like a random example to make it easy but okay let me put on the charts again so here oh let me just turn off for a second so here like I would see this there’s inducement this this High here is creating inducement to this to this candle to this area saying like hey look at here like I didn’t touch that guy so price will probably come back to touch there before we go down okay so like the inducement it’s literally like a arrow like look at that place because I might go there again so so what happened we had inducement here so once we had had I mean we had the sweep of the liquidity now we swept the endorsement of this zone so we now we have a swept area okay so now we have this new Supply price came here again but because you see like we had our r get here there was there was no inducement to this area so instead okay so like you’re going to see this everywhere but like like you see like price was here it came to mitigate this area broke down again but because there was no inducement I don’t know what’s going on with my charts okay but because there was no inducement remember the the chain that I showed you guys look at this so like in this in this example right so price could just have swept this Zone here instead of going down there so it could just have done like like here coming back and then pushed up so this this would would also be a sweep of the Zone like it happened here right so it came here mitigated that came here mitigated that so instead that was no inducement or sweep so it came to sweep this highs and then it pushed down again but now like like you would have to do the whole analysis but like I’m just showing you some examples uh of what happened here we can see another one like inducement but another thing right guys so like price doesn’t every time that there’s inducement it doesn’t need to come here and like beautifully like move like and give us an entry and go down no price may just leave this inducement here for later on maybe in a month or a week come back and retest that but we already got to where we wanted to to be so he already completed the move so like this this like we don’t need to pay attention to this anymore because this already happened but later on you can see that this this induc indu area you see that there was a reaction there so like let’s go there now so we can see here right we had a push a pullback another example remember here guys I was telling you P push pull back push instead of being a uh a chalk it was just a sweep okay same here the chalk can be just to mitigate it would just to facilitate the internal just to I mean the the fractal just to facilitate price to come down here to mitigate this this was the job of that move was to come here down here to continue up so same happen here you see let me make this bigger so we had the push the pullback came here so we would mark this as the chalk first but we saw that that there was this unmitigated Zone I mean um demand here right and like look at where it went this that was in like this candle here like it it made inducement to the to the Zone below so price just gave the chalk to mitigate this demand to push up again and look what happened remember the example because this was already swept so now this is a higher probability uh so now this is a high probability area that he would go up so I look at here and this I’m just like I didn’t even look at this before like this I’m going to I was just looking before starting the practice and I saw the chart so I wanted to go over this but you can clearly see here right because this was already swept this area so when price broke structure again to the upside it just came I remember this was like on last week sometime and there was this huge news I think it was this was NFP I believe I’m not sure but even on like volatility news look look at where price came it broke closed above and where it came here it respected this swept Zone and I and it just went all the way up think about I mean you don’t want to enter trades like this but think about a trade like that you you enter on a a swap Zone like this you would refine this demand probably even on the 15 I’m not even looking at the one like put your stops below here and then like price would crazy you see the like the next Target would be this demand I mean this daily supply for turn one but this was new so I wouldn’t trade this anyways because I want to get the slipage uh yeah um another sweep you see push pull back this was supposed to be a chalk but like price just contined below so this was a sweep very good area to look for shorts but because price already mitigated a very high probability place to make maybe he wants to pull back from this place I’m not going to be looking at this right now but maybe we would have like a pull back to this area here but because this this Arrow like has inducement um that was a sweep we could look for shorts from there again and it it continues over and over and over even here right like uh I I see this so much like every single day that I sometimes I don’t even Mark anything this was today or yesterday Monday like so so today so today’s Tuesday that was yesterday like sometimes I I don’t even mark it but because there was inducement there uh this this class is more extended than I intended sorry you guys but this is very good for you guys to understand okay remember you don’t want to like you don’t want to be like chasing you see like price came here pulled back you don’t want to be chasing price down here since there is inducement to that area above here you don’t want to take Contin like even on our strategy oh I’m going to take a continuation but like okay but price is already so extended so you want to be taking continuations down here knowing that there is like a lot of inducement and liquidity on top here and price may just come to mitigate this area like it did you see so like like it came here like beautifully but I think this was during long down time and I didn’t take any trade here but there was a trade here somewhere um so price just came to this induced Zone and then you could take another um short from here I don’t know [Music] where yeah because like when it mitigated that zone it came and it it mitigated another demand so I would probably not be because this could just be like doing this to go up but like since we had price push here yeah I’m not sure right now I would have to go to the lower time frame maybe that one minute would be clear but just to show you guys the the how powerful this strategy is and how powerful it is to stack Market structure supply and demand and liquidity together like it’s a killer killer like knowledge for your trades and you would be ahead of like most of Traders already just by looking at this because because you would always be like watching your back in some way right okay guys so enough with the the the examples and the teaching about this like I said don’t worry because we’re going to be going over this um liquidity and everything every single day of your life so have a good one guys and I’ll see you on the next video [Music] so finally this is the final step in your technical analysis this is the time you’ll be entering trades if everything fits your plan after you did all the work with your multi-time frame analysis you have spotted liquidity by looking for inducement or sweep and you have chosen a high probability 15minute POI we can then start looking for types of entries in our trading club we use three types of Entry this is the type of Entry you take when you have everything else already confirmed the limit order is placed at a one minute Zone nested inside a 15minute POI so here are the positives and negatives for this type of Entry the first positive is that many times pairs like Aussie dollar for example may not give you a confirmation entry so ENT ING with a risk entry will help you be in that trade the second positive is that if it’s used correctly it can be a more hands-off approach as you don’t need to wait for extra confirmation it can also be high risk reward if the lower time frame zone is picked correctly and now the negatives is that this is a more aggressive approach as you need more experience to make sure that the POI will be respected it’s also more advanced style because you need need to identify the right 1 minute POI for an entry when you set your 15in pois you use this entry as further confirmation that the Zone will be respected what you want to see is a rejection of that POI confirming that it’s being respected you would pretty much be looking for a one minute mitigation a chalk and a boss and here are the positives it can give you an actual confirmation frame entry it can also be a high risk reward by entering with a small stop loss and the negatives price may not give you a confirmation entry and you will miss moves you need more patience as you need to wait for Price development so I have a different approach to double confirmation entries than other smart money concept features I’ve seen online a double confirmation entry is self-explanatory it means waiting for a second confirmation entry to to enter a trade my problem with this type of Entry is that many times price have already moved so much and reacted to resistance so you may be trying to enter after price had already failed to break through their resistance so instead I used this method to scale L on my first position after the price has confirmed that it wants to continue moving toward my target you’ll see some examples of this on the trading strategy [Music] section [Music] as you get more experience with your trades and you start to see the same patterns happen over and over on a pair that you followed you’ll be able to refine your entry zones after choosing your 15minute POI you’ll see that sometimes the one minute zone is not as easy to spot so you may have to work on your analysis and experience to both protect your stop loss and at the same time try to get triggered on the trade you’re trying to enter what I do for my trades is find the one minute Zone and use the Gbox I I believe that’s the name and highlight my area of interest you then have the choice of entering at the disto like the edge of the Zone the EQ which is the equilibrium or the 50% of the zone or you can use a more custom approach so you be protecting your loss and you move your entry until you reaches the max pip allowance for that pair and before you choose any of these three options the number one priority is to protect your stop loss you don’t want to be tagged out of a trade just because you are too aggressive with your stop loss I personally use option three as it allows me to enter more trades but also to not Chase trades trying to widen my stop also just FYI my minimum pip stop loss is two Pips sometimes I plan my entry based on a strong Target I’m a aiming for so since my RR is a 5 to1 sometimes I will move my entry price to aim for that strong Target you might get tagged in on a trade or you might not so you need to be okay with it and move on to the next trade what you cannot do is base your trading plan around your emotions any decisions you make needs to be 100% mechanical I think that being able to enter trades with 3 to six Pips is already mindblowing hitting 8 to 10 hours in minutes is super usual with this strategy just keep in mind that this specific lesson is to show you the overall Foundation of our entries we will use this initial idea and refine it even more in our trading strategy section hello everyone again to another video here and this is going to be such a cool session um I think you guys going to like this a lot because now we’re going to be starting to talk about entries right so I think all of you guys have been super excited to this moment because all of the concepts before is kind of like oh it takes a lot of time and and I want to get into the trades but yeah here’s the time we going to be learning the how to enter trades and how to exit and stuff like that so are you ready you have your coffee okay so let’s start right so I’m going to be using the same like the chart that I that I draw drew for the um the liquidity concept because this is a very good example what you might be I mean you’re going to be seeing on the charts so like on your daily today you’re going to be seeing the the liquidity the sweeps and the equal highs and lows and like all this this type of price action so I think it’s a good very good example um and I hope you guys understood um so about the the liquidity concept and and I hope you guys went through that uh at least like two times so you guys can get an idea of how everything works and uh the more we start to advaning on our course you see that every single thing aligns and and builds on top of the other like structure uh the liquidity Concepts the multitime frame analysis the the chalk uh fractal and internal and swing so you’ll see like you’re going to need all of the all of the the concepts that we have studied so if like there’s no way you could be like taking shortcuts that’s why in the beginning of the the intro for the course I would say like if you’re the type of person that likes to take shortcuts this might not be for you because I’m already conis everything that I I learned throughout the years for you guys to understand in a simpler way so make sure that you have the discipline to go over this as much as you can so let’s jump in to the first example so I hope you guys um remember like about the liquidity that we were talking about and give me props for the drawing cuz this took some time to to do and it looks awesome so all right okay guys so we were talking on the last section about liquidity that like as price was making high highs here and then this was a flip because this was a reaction to this Supply area and here right here we broke that zone correct so like after um we got this break here just by one pip like this zone is already gone okay so what happened so after all of this was making higher highs like it was creating liquidity to be taken like underneath here so like all these orders and PR uh the yeah all disorders and money was like resting down here correct so now that we know like like we’re not going to be jumping in like on like on the break here or like too early in the like let’s say like oh we want to take a pull back and you want to like take Longs here that’s too early right remember the concept push pull back push pull back okay so like remember like you don’t want to be try to long it When price already went all this like it already moved this much correct so like now that we know that we have the Confluence because we had the the reaction the flip because it’s reacting to the zone and then it broke to the upside and plus it was creating liquidity because it was just like mitigating here mitigating here mitigating here and then it broke so it was like it left all the Z here below okay so let’s jump here like this is a zoomed in uh concept I mean uh kind of like a yeah zoom in area that you can see which is what what is happening here correct okay so as price right here right as we were moving like here up and then we work on the one minute like this this is um I want to showcase the one minute time frame inside of this box which would be like part of this move here correct so as as price was moving making higher highs on the one minute it left these demand zones okay remember also like when we were talking about the um the demand and Supply zones that we need to stack each time frame the multi-time frame uh supply and demand creation okay so inside of the 4 Hour we’re going to have the 15 minute inside the 15 minute we will be looking for the one minute uh in this case demand zones because like after um when when price was making higher highs inside the Zone he left all this uh this un mitigated zones here okay all right so like yeah so it made higher highs inside here and then it pushed making like the the high here right that was the first push maybe you were right on the long down here going up uh targeting this area right but we we did have this area here that uh with the the one minute uh higher highs okay so let’s talk about this now so now that we we had the flip the break and the inducement this is a and overall price is bullish right like higher highs higher highs overall the price is bullish so this is a very good area for you to take Longs from okay like of course you need to be doing the M time frame analysis and make sure that to know where price is on the higher time frame well let’s say that we already checked on the higher time frame and now on the 15 minute we know that like price is making higher highs and this is a very good area because it has inducement you’re already mitigated here um it could price was um creating liquidity and now this is a very good area which would be right here okay so so now we’re going to talk about like the risk entry and the confirm entry okay so the risk entry is pretty much like when you already have all the confirmation you need everything is aligned and that and the zone you you want to enter from is is kind of like the the the last Point inside of a Zone where price should hold if it wants to continue going towards your direction okay it’s a little more more advanced because you need to be very sure about the area so you can be entering so yeah but uh it can it can be a very good um type of Entry because sometimes price can just tap here and go so let me show you an example right so like I said before we had inducement break okay and we have this induced area here so price when it came when it broke broke this structure down here we knew that it only wanted I mean we have the the a lot of good confluences that this area should hold and this would be only a sweep of this areas to continue our move higher correct so as we’re going um as price is coming back down here so as we were having the higher highs inside of this zone so so there’s two ways we can go about this now that we are having like a lot of good confluences we have the enduement and everything this could be the last area that price might hold so we can continue the the move up okay so if you don’t want to if you already have a lot of good um positive confluences and you did all your analysis and you know that this is the last part if price wants to continue going higher this is the last Zone like because if it breaks this it would switch the direction like let’s say this is a swing right this would be switching the swing uh 15 minute uh to the like a bearish okay but so like for for to enter on a risk entry you would pretty much like let’s say like set your or order in one of these two guys here let’s just let’s just look at this uh look at this a little bit remember when I also told you guys that on the the the one minute and the 15 minute all the time frames we’re going to be looking for the same things you see like there’s inducement here for this area and on the one minute like very little small time frame we’re also going to be looking for the same things correct but because like we have this area here that before it didn’t mitigate it here all the way down here and uh it created this inducement for this area okay but let’s say this move a little higher okay so like but because like this price is kind of like far away from here like and we are not very sure about that that this is an inducement because price already moved a lot okay so all right but we see that this is like inside of this 15 minute Zone this is the last uh remember that this is the here right at this area here this is the last low which would be uh like inside here okay so this the the the zoning side here this is the last low if it breaks this low it would probably start going down from here okay so like because this this one minute already moved kind of high here so we’re not really sure if this is inducement to this area to this demand so but what else do we have here so we have another inducement because this low didn’t mitigate inside of this Zone so let me just delete this so it’s a higher probability that this is the the actually the inducement for this Zone below here so so on the one minute time frame we’re probably we’re going to be sweeping this area sweeping this to come mitigate down here correct so there are two there if you want to take a risk entry like I said it’s it’s just um the risk entry you’re pretty much just set setting your entry your limit entry in one of these two areas here targeting like we were going to be talking about targeting later let me try to change this to make this a little more visible maybe like [Music] this yeah just for now okay so we’re pretty much like we are setting our entries in one of these two so if we think about it okay if you want to be uh if you’re if you’re really sure about this area and if you want to be sure to to get triggered when price comes down here you could probably um cover this I don’t like this color sorry guys let me change this before we continue uh what did I do of course I’m going to do that right let me just do like this um so if you’re sure about this and if you want to make sure that you’re triggered on this move here you could probably like set your entry on the first uh demand and and also cover make sure to cover the second demand here correct so you want to be sure that you want to enter like when price comes back like here right going down here so if you want to make sure that you got triggered you could like maybe set your entry there and price would move up from here okay but like if you want to be okay like the the the pep stop is too large for yes S I changed the color here but uh so if you’re unsure and uh and the the stop loss is too large to cover this two areas you could also just set your entry down here because we have the Confluence that there there is a u a inducement to this this one below and this is the last one minute demand also okay so you could probably um like set your entry down here instead okay like this and then when price comes down here to mitigate this area here and maybe like give a little um flip and then it would come down here again and probably going up let me fix this so like you could probably just set your entry up there or you could cover the two areas but always make sure that your St that your stop is well protected below the last low you never you don’t want to be entering and putting your stop loss like um like here for example or like not covering that low because you’re like oh I I think this going to go it’s all I think it’s going to go my way right it’s always like always not not better you have to always cover that low because you don’t want to just be stopped out because you didn’t do your job okay your job as a Trader is to is to manage your capital okay it’s not just to be entering trades okay so this would be the risk entry so like you would Pro you’re just going to be setting your entry limit entry either on here covering the two on the or on the second one uh targeting up right and um of course like because if you if you choose to just have your stop loss a little smaller on the this lower one you’re going to have more profit because just by changing like from six Pips to two Pips for your stop loss it makes a a huge difference but like if you decide to have a like a smaller stop loss on this one you’re probably sometimes you’re not going to get triggered and the guy that put your his stop loss like a little bigger like that he would probably get triggered a lot more than you and you would miss a lot of Trades because you’re trying to be a little more gritty with your profits and he’s safer uh but uh some other times you would get a like double his uh profit because you enter with a smaller stop loss okay so that’s risk entry like I said you like you you pretty much know that this is the last Zone this is the last demand here that price should hold if it wants to continue going up and you’re super and you you have a lot of like positive confluences that price should hold there I’m sorry so now let’s talk about the confirmation entry okay again right we had the move here and uh we had inducement to this area so if we want to be more sure about this area here we would take uh we would wait for a confirmation okay so we want so our confirmation entry pretty much means that you want to wait and see if the if inside this Zone some of these one minute zones will hold price like because remember like we have the the chalk and the higher highs and break off structure and when so when price is coming back down here it’s it’s making lower lows and lower highs correct so if it breaks this this low here it will pretty much be coming here and break the low okay so you don’t want to that you you want to wait to see if if price will change the direction to the upside after the lower lows and lower highs so you pretty much wants to see okay price came here and then he mitigate the one minute maybe it it made a flip here and it broke to the upside came here oh now it starts to make high highs again okay so so let’s just jump into this uh example here again so let me grab one of these guys here so here right I’ll just use the so we we had the mitigation of the one minute demand here and then price pushed up it uh it mitigate it if uh it reacted to the to the supply zone right and then it reacted here making this little push down it created another inducement to that zone down there make this smaller I’m just going to delete this because it’s going to be too large um so it cre and it flipped and it created this inducement Zone to this to the to the extremes here so it pretty much it left this this demand entry zone for you to take your Longs from from here okay so I think do you I hope you guys understand what I’m doing remember right a as price is coming down here it’s making lower lows and here we had a reaction which was the flip and a break so this would be a chalk so this um right here on top of this one this is the nearest point after the reaction so we had a a change of character here so when price breaks this uh green little box by one pip that’s our already your your chalk correct so you’re so now you have have another Confluence that price is holding here because we we know that price may want to continue going up we have a mitigation of this demand a flip a chalk and now you can just take your entry from here so you could enter on this the the edge of the of this Zone you could enter on the 15 minute I mean so the fif the 50% or on the extreme let me try to move this guy here I I so like this is uh I think I I I I said something about the this type of entries here it’s pretty much when you so like when you drag this on this is uh how is this called the Gan box as you can see here let me let me open the so this is what I use the 0 0.5 and one so this is just mean that this is the 50% and that’s zero and the one okay so if you guys want to grab the settings it’s it’s pretty much just like how you want to enter your trades let’s say you don’t really need that but it’s just good to so like to see if you uh if you can get a better price or if you don’t want to be it’s pretty much like if you’re if you want more profit you would like enter down here because this would be the extreme of that the supply candle or you want to take the Longs from the the 50% of the candle or like enter on the The Edge which like most of the times will get you like triggered more more often because sometimes like if you to want to enter like down here uh price would come here maybe mitigate just the edge and go without you and uh because you wanted to squeeze more profit be making this the stop loss a little smaller you weren’t triggered on this trade okay so that’s the downside about trying to change this so what I do um is because I have a Max um max pip Max pip for the stop loss at six Pips so my Max Pips for the stop loss is six Pips so sometimes if uh if the the candle is too big I’ll draw my let’s say I have a candle right here right so I have a candle here right so I I I put my I draw my zone correct but like this like let’s say that if I enter here the stop loss would be eight8 Pips right but because I have a Max stop loss of six Pips I would just like adjust my price until it’s Max at six and then I would move this to make make sure that I cover the lows and I have enough um enough space to get the Longs Okay so and uh the same thing you can do is let’s say we have another like like let’s say we have another uh Supply Here correct and you’re trying to take Longs um so sometimes like because I have a a minimum of five to one like Target risk reward I I I want to take at least five hours for every trade I take and like let’s say there like to get here like the the six Pips I I would would only get three three hours to that next Supply so what I do I like I I’ll just adjust my stop loss to make sure that I’ll get five RS at the next uh Target area like I hope you guys understand what I mean let me let me draw something here I think this is going to be make it easier right so like I’m I’m taking my Longs here so I want to make sure that when price I want to make sure that one price comes to trigger me that I would get at least five hours at this next Supply which would be my target if I enter here with a like let’s say uh a a six r i mean six pip stop loss and that only gives me like two two hours two risk I mean two rewards to my risk or three hours I’m not going to be taking this I prefer to draw my I mean to enter a little lower and make sure that I get a five R when I Target that okay so I hope you guys understand that let me just CU we have a lot to cover still I hope this video is not too long I’m trying to I’m going to try to get a little faster so I hope you guys understand correct uh so the the confirmation entry you want to wait for a mitigation maybe a flip or just a chalk uh we’re going to be talking about the strategy later like things that you need to be uh watching for but you’re pretty much you’re waiting for a mitigation of the the one minute Zone maybe it’s even better if you get a a confir a flip and and then you had a chalk because it broke the the fractal High there and then you could enter here all right so and then went up you see that it’s kind of similar to this right we had inducement to here we had inducement that created here we had a break a flip a break and an entry and the same right mitigation here a flip a break and then inducement created for this Zone below to go up so sometimes if you are uh a swing Trader and you wanted to enter on the 15 minute you could enter here so you don’t want to wait but your stop loss would be probably like a bigger maybe you have like a 10 pip Max stop loss so you want you could enter on the 50 50% of this Zone and you would Target the the high there right so but this is for another session okay guys so I hope you guys get this idea here so let’s continue so you guys can get more examples um I’ll just let me now just erase these guys here okay right so now we have the example two [Music] two okay so now we took the Longs maybe I would just put an in here we took the Longs inside here on the one minute and uh we targeted maybe we took like like 80% uh we also going to be talking about uh like how to manage your trades later but uh maybe you took like 80% of your of your size here on these highs because you you’re not sure if this would break and then you held another like uh 20% all the way up here okay so that was our Longs super cool right like maybe this took like two three days or maybe two days to happen and then you went here okay boom so now we had a mitigation first reaction to that Supply then it came here it made like a fractal break to the upside okay and right here so we now we’re looking at inside of this 15 minute Zone with a one minute uh Supply inside of the 15 minute Zone correct all right so as price pushed higher here again it’s going higher higher higher so this is what it’s what you’re going to to be seeing on the one minute all right so like you see this first um sorry let me see here yeah so you see this first reaction here and then price comes back here and then so let me just stop here for a second so here correct the one minute is going here and then you reacted to this to this 15 minute Zone and it’s not inside of the one minute yet that you have your own I personally uh that’s one thing that I do I only take trades that also respects the one minute as of today like that’s what I suggest you to do because um yeah it’s not worth it to be just taking the one minute chalks anywhere or one minute reversals anywhere um so that’s one of the another confluences that I use for the trades so let’s let’s continue here right so as price comes here correct and like on the one minute you would see the first uh the first reaction here here right like you would have your first chalk let me drag the drag this guy here so this was your first fractal right so when price mitigated and broke this nearest low here we had the first chock so so you see like the Confluence that we use like we are we still on this uh bullish here correct uh we didn’t mitigate the one minute uh so we don’t know yet if price will continue to go up so like when you first have your chalk down here right price might just be coming to mitigate like this Supply I mean this demand down here look at that so if you try to if you try to take like your shorts from there because oh you already mitigated this area so I want to be early early in the early on the shorts right because price might react to this coming back down here so I’m going to be early on this and you go and take your shorts here right because you saw that price um gave your bearish chalk here but you weren’t watching that it only gave the chalk to mitigate this demand down here so you would so you would be trying to take um your sharts from here like this let me see so you would go over here and uh you would try to take your short and you would probably get burnt I mean you would get burned because it would break your supply and just continue going up okay so that’s one thing you don’t want to do like you got to make sure that every time price is uh r reversing to give your entry that it’s not just reversing to react to to come mitigate a demand in this example here right cuz we’re cuz we are reacting here going up going down so you don’t want to be taking the long the shorts here after it mitigates down here something on the uh a demand that was a mitigated down here okay so that’s like keep making notes of these little things that because these are the stuff that’s going to save you guys a lot of losses okay so let’s continue here we are not since we already know even though we had the chalk on the one minute here we’re not going to be taking shorts from here because we know already that we haven’t mitigated a one minute Supply yet we don’t know if this is going to hold okay so now right okay so price come comes all the way up here boom and it breaks our last Supply Zone on the one minute so now that it already broke the one minute Supply that’s another Confluence that price will may still wants to continue going up from here so we already know that it didn’t hold uh this this Supply area didn’t this is the first signal that it doesn’t it’s not holding like it could it could still like I said before price can like the market can do whatever he wants so we are just gathering confluences for for us to to enter trade correct uh so this this is the first signal that like this Supply here it’s not holding correct so okay so we’re not taking any trades here and like because even like let’s say now that you saw here right you saw that this broke it could possibly give you another like entry down here that’s where people get so burned because they they think that they can just continue uh taking the like entries anywhere and they don’t have any confluences for their entry and possibly on this this time here you could have a a good you know and this I don’t think I already said this but this is the worst thing that can happen to you it’s for you to have a lucky win you would enter here right you don’t have any confluences because price already broke your supply and everything and uh you you want to enter here again because right because you had your chalk so you had your chalk here to the downside correct because you made a fractal High pullback break and a chalk so you enter here and probably on this time here you were lucky enough and then you had a win correct but like this is the worst thing that can H happen to a new Trader is to have to have a a lucky win because then now every time you don’t have your Confluence and you want to take a trade like this just because it happened once and you think it’s going to happen every time but it’s not correct so yeah so we are not taking this so I’m just going to delete this because we already know we already know everything and now we’re not taking uh shs from here because there’s nothing holding price so this is a already gone we’re not taking any shorts because price the overall um order flow is bullish correct so this is gone okay let’s go to the next example which is number three hope you guys are still with me this is a very good practice and I hope you guys are learning something from this let me just delete this last one here okay so continue with the order flow now so as price pushed on the 15 minute pull back and push again so you can see that on this lag here on this push there was no liquidity there was no inducement or sweep zones so if there was no sweep or um liquidity here we could probably be sweeping this this the low of this one and right remember what I said because on the liquidity concept we think that like oh now we’re going to have a chalk and we want to take shs from here right because we we had the change of Direction but it doesn’t mean that every time that we have a change of uh character that we’re going to be going down from here so it does because overall is bullish so at this time we could probably be uh sweeping liquidity so how would it look on the one minute here so here right on this leg going up we we probably like we had one minute come here make a higher high it swap it swept this one minute um demand Zone and push high again made a uh uh lower high and it pushed up again okay that that’s uh that’s gone Let’s uh that’s right here okay we looking at this area which was here as price came back down here we could probably be looking because on the 15 minute we know that there’s no inducement or liquidity taken here yet so when price is going down here we could expect that this what this 15 minutes onone wouldn’t hold because we know that price is bullish and then there’s no inducement or or liquidity being taken here um so as price uh start coming down so we probably know that this this Zone here is not going to hold and what it what uh what price do is they it comes back to this extreme one minute demand here which would be below this low here so price would just come to mitigate this this demand that wasn’t mitigated before then we would make another right so I’m just I’m I’m going to use another example now and price comes here and push up so guys I’m I’m using these examples just now I didn’t I didn’t plan on it but I’ve seen like I seen like for many years how price moves so just bear with me here okay so right here right let me just move this a little to the side so you’re ready so price broke this one minute demand and it broke this 15 milon demand and what it did it came to mitigate it this this one minute demand that was resting below here below this low correct so it came here the same thing price came mitigated this and right away it pushed up again and it flipped this Zone it reacted to this Supply this one minute Supply and I reacted and it pull back and it broke the supply so he broke this uh this Supply here and again right um let me draw another let me make this a little more visible for you guys to see so it reacted to this Supply and then there was another Supply Here correct and what price did it broke that Supply Supply too so it came here it didn’t and like when it came down here it left inducement to this extreme and then price pushed up again and you would be like oh I I I missed this trade I didn’t get triggered price will just go without me but it was just reacting to this other Supply and then it reacted and then it pushed again and broke that Supply so remember like what does this look like same as this you see on the 15 minute you’re going to be looking at the same thing on the one minute so price created this this liquidity here this inducement Zone to then we would grab our entry Zone boom you could enter on the The Edge the 50% or adjust your entry to make sure you get trigger on this trade so let me just sorry guys this is a lot of information in uh and like I said before like as as we are doing analysis and uh trade Recaps every day you’re gonna be a pro at this like it I didn’t learn all of this overnight and uh this takes time but you’re going to be learning like all of these setups and like types of entries and everything okay so this is how it would look like you would set your entry up up here I mean down here cor right so this would be another confirmation entry um because you don’t want to be taking uh risk entry like here at this one minute you’re just reading price action like oh so it just came to me to get this and it contined pushing up so it’s probably going to continue going up from here right but you don’t want to be taking a risk entry because price could just come here and uh and come rate something here and then continue down cor right or maybe not even like it would break here and then just do a little push and come down here to maybe mitigate a demand and then continue up okay so like most of uh I would say at least 80% of my trades are confirmation entry and uh the rest is risk entry and uh if you’re at the beginning of your uh learning how to trade I would in the beginning at least stay away from risk entries because it’s it’s very hard hard in the beginning because you got to be like extremely certain where price will stop so if you want to avoid getting a lot of losses in the beginning you could probably just um start taking the the confirmation entry every time okay so again um let’s go to the next example hope you guys are getting this idea remember right so this we we took Longs from The Sweep of this low let me just erase these guys and this is number four okay so at this right this is another example remember that on the liquidity uh section we had this equal highs and uh the sweep was just to mitigated something here and then we G he gave us a chalk so now that we uh price respected the one minute now we have more Confluence because okay so price is respecting the 15 minute and and the one minute inside of the 15 minute here like the one minute would be something inside here right so now we have this like Okay so so we have a Confluence and now we have another Confluence because price gave us a chalk down here correct and now we have another Confluence because price uh broke this lows too correct so we have three good reasons to look for uh shards from here okay even though everything is is bullish we could just be uh starting the shift to maybe come somewhere down here to pull back right to continue to move up okay so now so as price mitigated the the the one minute Supply it pushed down and it didn’t give you an entry I was like oh I I missed is because I thought that price would come here and uh give me the my the chalk and it would come back here to me uh to give me my entry and go down here so like it doesn’t always happen like that and again right you don’t want to just be looking for one minute chalks like on a counter Trend okay you got you want to make sure that um you are align at least with the internal in the swing I mean at least the internal structure for you to be taking like one minute entries like this I don’t usually take one minute entries unless i’ I’ve have a lot of confluences but that’s uh we can discuss this later so after we had this push here and you thought we like you wouldn’t get an entry because price just melted and and it broke and it came like down here but now like we’re using multi time frame analysis correct you go to the 50 15 minute okay now we have a chalk here in a breakup structure down here so here after we had that break we could probably be looking like now you would have two um options remember I think we here you would have the risk entry and Confirmation entry and same here right now you have two options you can take the risk entry if you want right if you’re if it it it also depends if something if price came to mitigate this down something down here um so it’s Pro it’s probably better like I said in the beginning if you’re not sure if you have any doubt if if price came here to mitigate something down here first like if you have any doubt always go with the confirmation entry so always go okay like so after we had the chalk and break down here so this uh this push here created this Supply correct remember because we had a a a fractal chalk it created this Supply so when we had the break here you could possibly be looking to take a risk entry up up here and so I’ll just break this box uh so you could possibly just set your entry here covering the highs and then you would be oops what did I do I think I messed up okay let me put this again so you would enter here Cor in the highs and uh so right here right you would be entering there and you could be looking to set your targets to this next demand correct so you could either do that if you um if you want taking risk entry that means just setting your entry order at like at the at the highest point of this move a highest point of this move which would be here or if you want you can wait because you are like I’m not sure if it came to mitigate something down here correct so like if you want to be sure just wait for another um another confirmation entry so like we would have the chalk here price would come to uh take your um trigger for your entry let me just change this so you guys can see so that’s not your entry so this would be the the fresh one minute Supply making a supply chain right a mitigation here came back here this was the extreme of this move so it came here respected this one minute again correct and gave you a chalk would be another sorry let me so I gave you another one minute chalk here and this would be your confirmation mention entry and uh you could enter here okay boom so you can enter like that so just again right for the confirmation entry because this push created this fresh Supply and you want to see that this will hold because like you want to see that you’re not just we’re not just like coming back here to mitigate something here and continue up so you want to see that on this reversal pattern this will hold so you wait for uh one minute like change of direction to then you enter on here okay so that’s why our strategy is so powerful guys because we are look looking at like uh at the higher time frame but we are literally entering trades as scalpers So like um for example here right so like you you’re you’re entering like inside of this Supply area here with a like three pip move and you and like maybe you want to get out here for 6 hours or or like maybe take 50% and hold another 50% for for like 15 like this is insane you know like and we we do this every week every day you know so this is how powerful our strategy is okay so let’s continue so this doesn’t drag for the crazy long okay so let me another and last example we’re going to be looking at so we already took [Music] the let’s see here so we we took the Longs from here boom like targeting that highs and we oh now I need a short one we took shorts from there targeting the lows there right and now we approached um this last area okay so you see that’s why we keep the same we we pretty much trade the same pairs every day because we want to be looking that uh we want to be looking at history and like what what what price did all this time here so we already know because we we look at this pair every day that here we had a sweep of liquidity right so price already like swept liquidity here uh so this is a very high probability place that price could possibly hold to continue up from here because we had this sweep so price it’s it’s I see it as price already attempted to break this low now it pushed up again okay okay but here correct so now price is pulling back down here so this would be look like this on the 15 minute and it would look like this on the 1 minute okay so price is is going down there so okay Marcus so since we have this high probability Zone there because we had the sweep of liquidity we could just take a risk entry here right so like we could could just enter with our price I mean we could set our order here targeting the highs or the next highs or even breaking this this highs here but what happened remember you need to be looking at both sides of the the chess board in this case the the charts right price like you’re not you don’t want to be looking for risk entries here even even though this is a high probability Zone that it might hold because we already reached this Supply zone so so because like this is so extended already this this might be the time that we we’re going to be looking to have a deeper pullback correct so even though this is a high probability Zone and we are pro-order flow we already we already mitigated this correct so we don’t want to be uh taking risk entries here just because of that correct so that’s one of the rules so that’s why we have everything all this strategy is on paper and uh we don’t we don’t guess we don’t need to guess anything everything’s already set up for us to succeed okay so as price is coming down here so we had this uh fractal high and then a break okay so what do we want to see we want to see this deand this last demand here holding because if we break this demand since this already swep liquidity there so there’s no another liquidity to be taking here so if we break this demand here we’re probably going to be starting going down okay so what do we want to see inside of this this 15 minute Zone and on the in the one minute we want to see another change of Direction inside here the same the same way we you we used to take we we took the the one minute trades from these other examples we had okay so as price was coming here probably we had like a small one minute reaction price came here mitigated this one minute and again right and in this case uh let me do another type of Entry that you you’ll probably see so like as price like came here he made this like equal lows and then it came here boom mitigated and we had a v-shaped reaction a v-shaped reaction that we call on this strategy this smart money concept is just like a like a super nice push right like it’s a like a cling rejection of that price you always need to to think about liquidity and price and orders and money moving the market just by having this push up here like that means that there was a lot of money and orders inside of this Zone that’s why it made this push up okay and um so now we know we had this equal lows here here the same as this you see like as we see the the same patterns on the lower time frames and the higher time frames equal lows equal highs so it came here mitigated boom and then we had uh I’ll just use this make it easier we had another chalk here on the one minute so we had the equal lows mitigated boom we had another push to the upside so now we had a rejection of this one minute Zone price didn’t break this one minute and he also respected the 15 minute okay so now we have a confirmation entry at this high probability demand correct so I’m going to show you another thing now so now we’re going to so now we have this fresh entry at down here correct so so now we can be looking to entry like with our Longs down here and then we we can then Target somewhere like maybe like the next high or maybe you can hold to see if there’s another Supply area but it doesn’t matter right because we’re already six hours whatever so okay price came here so remember what I said since we are pro order flow like even though the the 15 minute chalk is up here right so like pay attention because this is important as well so the our 15minute chalk is up here which would be all the way up here correct remember like this is a largest structure which is this fractal pullback let me make this straight so because we know that this is a high probability Zone and we had a one minute chalk so we could be entering on this one minute chalk even though we we don’t have the 15 minute chalk yet so we are literally just entering um early like expecting that we would have the 15 minute chalk correct I hope you guys understand what I mean like what we’re we are entering like early on the move because we are expecting that price will come here and give us the 15 minute chalk all the way up there so we would have first we would see the one minute chalk and then when price comes here mitigate and going up we would see this move here would that would give us the 15minute chalk okay so that this is a very like nice way of thinking so you could be looking at the to enter here and then boom so price just went all the way here and on this case it didn’t come all the way to give you the entry like down there so instead it created the inducement to later on sometime later to come to mitigator here but also price you would have your entry here and price would Pro could have let me just erase this price could have given you the one minute chalk and the 15minute chalk right away without the pullback and you would still have your entry down there you would enter in here because you know this this uh this low here is now protected and this is the last point of this move and you could probably enter enter here and take long right targeting targeting the some somewhere down there up there okay so again right price respect the one minute came here we had this super crazy now reaction which is now we give now we had the one minute chalk and now we have the 15 minute chalk so this is like a super high probability trade that we can just enter on the the the edge of this this candle here that we were going to see on the live charts we’re covering the lows and we are targeting for at least a 5 to 5 to1 risk reward okay super cool super nice I hope you guys understand this whole concept we went a little further than I would expect I thought this would be a shorter one but I pretty much gave you like many situations and setups that you would probably see on the real charts um so I think this is great I I uh I wish I had someone like us here from NE trading Club teaching me when I started uh four years ago this would have saved me so many pain and work but uh and but I’m happy that you guys are learning this okay so again if you guys have any question I’m glad to make even further videos explaining this concept and uh if there’s anything that is unclear about uh the confirmation entry and risk entry you let me know and I’ll see you guys on the next time thank you so [Music] much the world is populated with billions of people and everybody is different in their own way we all think differently and act differently some Traders are more aggressive and like to enter and exit trades for small wins and others are okay holding a position longer for bigger wins knowing that the market could potentially turn against them for example Trader a would enter three positions to gain five RS for each trade and Trader B would enter one position to make 15 R total so which one is the right one there’s no right or wrong both can be following the same training strategy and take different approaches BAS B on their personality those characteristics of each person make every Market scenario a unique event so remember when I said that in order to become a better Trader you need to become a better person you need to find out your own style and how you react to those Styles don’t get me wrong it’s not only about choosing a trading style but most importantly working on your mindset to think as a professional Trader think the trading style has nothing to do with entering Reckless Trad trades that don’t fit this strategy because you have an aggressive approach do you know what it’s called when a person enter trades like they’re playing Roulette in a casino gamble Traders when you place trades without following strategy and high probable setups you stop being like the casinos and become an addicted Gambler and do you know what’s the worst thing that can happen to addicted gamblers and amateur Traders the lucky win they will get attached to that behavior that led to the exciting win and that’s the reason why casinos are so profitable there are four main types of styles and the difference between them are based on the length of time a Trader will hold a position so the scalpers will hold the positions for seconds to a few minutes day training seconds to a few hours swing Trader a few days in a position trading or like the investors a few days two years all those trading styles can make a Trader profitable and each has its own strength and weaknesses our trading style here at NE trading Club was creating by getting all the strength of these styles to get the most return for each trade we take so different from swing Traders we only need to focus on one pair to see incredible Returns on our investment we use the Precision of the sculpter and day traders to enter position with a very small stop loss and we target larger movements that would be used by Swing traders to get massive returns per trade we believe that risk reward is one of the most important things when trying to achieve consistency so by using this method we can ensure that the probability will work in our favor keep in mind that this trading style is not easy in fact there’s no easy path in trading but I guarantee you that you will get blown away by the results of this strategy especially if you have have used other strategies [Music] before with that being said we can now start getting to how you can become profitable using our strategy the answer to that is risk management in reality using risk management is actually the only way to become profitable trading is just like a business for example let’s say Joe has an account of $10,000 and he put all the money into buying inventory for his business if something happens to that inventory and Joe lose all of it now he wouldn’t have money to pay his bills employees rent Etc he would then most likely lose his business so getting more loans from a bank or friends would also be a bad idea for him because the mentality is still the same he would probably blow the loan money in another way the same happens for beginner Traders they literally wants to flip their small account into a big account by risking all one trade the mentality of hitting a jackpot is what differentiates losers from professional Traders by using risk management professional Traders are able to keep profitable results because they have a proven strategy that gives them an edge in the market in the long run so how much should you risk here in our trading club we have a rule not to risk more than 1% per trade of our Trading account this way if you have the discipline to learn and follow our teachings you will become profitable in the long run there are a few risk reward calculators you can play with online so you can better understand how strike rate and risk reward [Music] work yes it takes money to make money you need trading Capital so you can generate money as you all know trading can be very profitable if you are able to stay committed to your education learning will always come before your account size if one person with a small account and another one with a bigger account start learning to trade together they’re basically starting at the same level having a large Capital without knowing how to trade won’t make any difference in the results if you are not profitable on a $100 account having a large account will just make things worse so your top part priority if you’re considering trading as a way to wealth is to invest in your education being here in our trading Club is the best investment you could possibly make which is to invest in yourself also if you don’t have much Capital to start trading don’t worry luckily nowadays there are many trading firms that will give you a lot of capital for you to start investing these trading firms usually give profitable Traders up to $200,000 and the trader gets to keep 90% % of the profit of course there’s more that goes into that but that sounds like a good deal to me what do you think